Chapter 17

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Emily shut the door the moment Kyle stormed off. She looked at Kris with a terrified face.

"Why did you do that? That just served for him to get more pissed of." She complained.

Kris laughed hard.

"You didn't see his face? He was blushing and he looked furious." She double herself and continued laughing at the situation.

"God! I am mortified. Wait... he was blushing? That can be only out of anger and not something else." She sighed.

"Emily, don't be so blind. Fred told me he was fuming to know that you were naked in here, he didn't even let my mate bring you clothes. Come on... that don't ring any bell on your head?" Kris got serious and looked at the clothes in Emily's arms.

"And if you had any doubt, you should see the clothes he brought you. I think he searched a lot to give some that could cover you whole. Oh and the words he said to you? Please, the guy is completely possessive over you..." Emily was about to retort, but Kris continued.

"And if you still doubt my judgment, you should think of the erection he had when his eyes saw you completely naked." She lift one eyebrow to Emily's puzzled face.

"I didn't see any erection. How did you even see that?" She asked dumbfounded.

Kris pointed to the big wall of crystal. "The mirror... I saw all his reaction. He didn't see me, oh no... he was completely drawn to you my friend."

Emily thought for some moments. He did seemed pissed but the truth was, she had not look at the front of his jeans. She then looked at Kris.

"Do you think he likes me? If so... why does he resist?" Kris shrugged.

"I know he likes you but we have to break that resistance." She gave Emily a smile so wide that her friend was, momentarily, afraid of what she would have to do to conquer Kyle.

After thirty minutes of planing Emily's next move to snap Kyle's determination, and get dressed, she returned to the pack mansion. The house was covered in silence. She went to her room to put other clothes. She had to admit that Kris was right. Kyle had given her the most large clothes and old ones.

She changed them quickly, putting instead shorts and a tank top. She sat on her bed wondering what he was doing at the moment. She decided to see if he was in his room. Walking silently to the hall and to his bedroom door, she listened carefully, trying to catch the sound of movement inside. She heard water fall, a shower maybe. Her wolf was agitated and she grabbed the door-handle pushing the door open. With ballerina steps, she approached his bathroom.

The door was open and she could see him completely naked in the shower. His back was turned to her and his head was bend. He didn't sense her there, her arousal. He seemed to be completely distracted with something. Emily's eyes traveled the muscles of his back, watching them flex and relax. The moan that came from his direction, made her eyes lift. She thought that she would see him turn and tell her to get out but he was lost to something inside the bathroom, ignoring the outside.

Her gaze went down, marveling in the way his skin appeared to be smooth, his ass generous and sexy. She felt herself get wet with the vision before her eyes. An almost imperceptible movement, made her watch his arm, his triceps flexing and extending, like he was doing something that she could not see. When the second loud moan came from his mouth, her legs almost failed her. He was masturbating in the shower and she was watching the whole thing. She felt like a pervert and a foul to not notice that before. But then, she thought that she was his mate, and her mind ran to the possibilities of who was the star of his fantasy. Could it be her? Or was someone else? Her wolf went furious with her line of thoughts, she felt the possessiveness take hold of her. She took one step to the white division. She didn't notice the decor of the place nor the other steps she made. In a moment, she was just in the doorway, the next, she was behind him. With hands shaking, she placed them in his arm.

Kyle jerked at the sudden touch and turned around, almost making the person responsible for his reaction to fall. It was Emily and he was surprised to see her there, seeing him like the first day he had come to the world. He growled in warning to her leave the place but she continued brushing her hand through his arm till it reached his hand. He wanted to stop her, he really did, but his wolf was restraining his body to take some action and push her out of the bathroom, out of his life. His member was pulsing in anticipation, eager to have her full attention.

Emily had never done something like that in her life, she had never touch a dick, but that didn't prevent her to continue her exploration. Not even his growl made her cower. She was doing this, he was her mate after all. She let her fingers brush the tip of his member, the flesh pulsating at her touch. Kyle's head jerked back and he hissed. Emily looked at his most intimate part and her eyes couldn't find an end. He was huge, absolutely enormous. How would that fill her? It was even possible?

Gathering the necessary courage, she grabbed him, her hands full of his skin. Kyle didn't have time to breath, before she began stroking him with gentle but firm moves. He came in a minute, not able to hold the intensity of pleasure she was giving him.

While he orgasmed, he was vaguely aware that his sperm was being projected to her clothes, but Emily didn't seem to mind. He had to brace himself on the shower's wall, while his member pulsed without a predictable end. His hips jerking along with his semen.

Emily was amazed with what she was doing. Finally, Kyle had lost some control over a situation and she was now in front of the line, leading them to some point. Which one, she had no idea.

When the tremors and the hot substance stopped, Kyle remained for some seconds with his eyes close and in utter silence.

"You shouldn't have done that. Get out, Emily, please..." He said, his voice a whisper. His head was bend, like he didn't want to look at her face, her reaction.

Emily felt her heart constrict. After this moment that they had shared, how could he sent her away? "Kyle, what..."

He didn't let her finish the sentence. "GET OUT, GET OOUT, GET OOOOUUUTTTT" He yelled, making Emily recoil and turn fast through the way she had come.

He cursed himself again. It was becoming an habit, to be a asshole to her and treating her like shit. He didn't deserve to be with such perfect female. What an idiot he was!!

Emily ran fast to the lower floor and got to the foyer. Taking a moment to recollect herself, she noticed that her clothes were full of his scent. She cursed and went to the closest bathroom downstairs. She tried to take the stains but it was useless. Deciding that she needed to shower again, she carefully went up the stairs and was relieved to avoid Kyle while sneaking into her bedroom. She closed the door and locked it before she striped herself, the clothes falling to the wood floor. She walked naked to her private bathroom and took a quick shower. The water failed to ease her tension and she felt frustrated with the situation. Putting wash clothes, she went outside the mansion, in the direction of the trees. She needed a good run, to burn her adrenaline and wipe her thoughts.

Her wolf was too restless to be inside four walls. When she was far into the forest, she striped herself of the clothes and put them perfectly fold beside one tree trunk. The shift was fast and when her four paws hit the ground, she start heading blindly through the massive giants around her. The sound of water filled her ears and she changed directions, looking for the source that could bring her some piece of mind. The stream didn't took long to be spotted. Watching the clear water run his course through the pack land, the lied down, observing the fish in their activity, completely unaware of her presence. Exhaustion took over her and she closed her eyes, welcoming the darkness that would put the moments with Kyle into a far place out of her reach. Or so she hoped.

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