CHAPTER 11: talk of the town.

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You had been back at the mansion for a few hours, and you couldn't believe how well the mission went, and the rather intense way it ended. You wanted to focus more on the former, but the latter kept creeping into your mind when you didn't want it to.

Joker had to complicate everything. You couldn't even savor your massive victory, nor could you relish in the excitement that came with the fact that people would soon know your name. All you could do was think about that stupid kiss, and that stupid yet suave way he had responded.

Presently, you were in the kitchen, fixing yourself a snack. You had had lunch already, but you hadn't really eaten much of it due to being consumed by your own thoughts. Now, though, your stomach's groans of hunger couldn't be drowned out by even the most intrusive of thoughts.

So, you assembled a sandwich on one of Joker's exquisite golden plates. The contrast was a little comical to you, since the sandwich was so simple in comparison to the plate.

You could hear Joker and the rest of the team talking in the living room, but you ended up just leaning against the fridge and eating your sandwich alone, plate in hand. You had been sitting with them for a few hours now, celebrating the success of the heist. Well, you were trying to, at least. But, you were starting to grow suffocated by their constant presence and just needed a break. You intended to rejoin them right after your sandwich was eaten, but it was amazing what a few minutes alone could do for your mental state.

You had almost finished your snack when loud roars of excitement could be heard from the living room.

You jumped, nearly dropping your plate. Your heart was racing at the sudden noise, and before you could really process what it was you had just heard, Frost came flying into the room, skidding to a stop in front of you. "You gotta come back in here!" he said with a wide grin.

He sensed you were about to ask why, continuing, "No time for questions, just come back!"

And with that, he left just as quickly as he had come.

   His hurried demeanor was enough to make you set down your plate and run into the living room. You had no expectations of what demanded your attention at this very moment, but when you got there, you knew immediately.

   And you were ecstatic.

   The TV was on, and it was currently showing a news report. A news report that was evidently about the heist that had occurred a few hours prior. The reporter looked a little unsettled as she talked, and one of Joker's various mugshots were put up as the event was narrated.

   He looked cold and dangerous. His eyes were narrowed and his face showed no hint of emotion. No fear, sadness, happiness, nothing. The only thing you could see in his eyes was the stoic insanity that was murderous intent.

   The news reporter was mid-sentence when you had walked in, so the first thing you heard was this:

   "—almost a million dollars has been lost in the robbery."

   Your eyes widened. That was a pretty huge number. You hadn't even been able to picture a thousand dollars a few weeks ago, and you and your team had somehow managed to steal a million? You looked over at Joker, and he was beaming with pride.

   You mirrored the action, completely enamored with the idea of your crimes being publicized for all to see.

   "Joker and his team used pretty unconventional weaponry this time around: water guns filled with a toxic chemical called hydrodox," said the news reporter. "Hydrodox's trademark is that it eats away at almost any material it touches, including human flesh. Authorities speculate that the fugitives broke into Ace Chemicals to obtain said chemical, which was originally intended to punish jailed criminals."

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