Damn You Swift

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                     3rd person pov

Ed Kelce and Scott Swift sat on the back porch as they watched their children chase each other around the yard, save for Scott's 1 year old son, Austin Kingsley Swift who sat it his mothers lap on the porch swing. Scott had two children with his wife Andrea Swift, the first being born December 13th, 1989.

Taylor Allison Swift was an interesting infant from the start. She arrived wailing like any other infant, but then was rarely ever heard crying unless her parents weren't near. She announced her needs with gestures from the earliest of ages, with her balled up fist hitting her lips to ask for food, or rubbing her eyes for sleep. She was the sweetest of babies, unlike her best friend, Travis Michael Kelce.

Ed Kelce also had two children like Scott, but his happened to be riotous boys. With Jason Daniel Kelce born November of 1987, Travis joined the Kelce clan October 5th, 1989. Travis was always a rowdy baby, following into his toddler years aswell. He wasn't much of a cryer but more of a loud babbler. With incoherent sounds being yelled from a bassinet mere feet away from the bed, sleep rarely came for Donna and Ed Kelce.

Watching their children grow together was something Ed and Scott cherished. Now they sip their beers as a 3 year old Taylor tells off 4 year old Travis for tripping his older brother. Scott and Ed watch holding back laughter before they have to intervene. Ed stood and left his beer in the hands of Scott, making his way to the toddlers.

"It wasn't nice twavis! Jay is my fwend too, so be nice to him!" Taylor explained with a raised voice.

"But Taywor! Jay was twying to give you a piggy back wide! Only I can do dat!" Travis mumbled with an exaggerated frown, hands down by his sides defeated.

With the hands on her hips slowly reaching out to hug Travis, Taylor starts to console him. "twavis is okay, don't cwy!"

Just then, Ed kelce appears by Travis's side, knelt down to his level. "Travis, look at me, what happened?"

Looking up at his father, a teary eyed Travis pulls away from Taylor and starts to ramble. " I don't want Jase to give Taywor a piggy back , only I can do dat dad. But it made Taywor mad and I don't wanna do dat!"

Ed Kelce stared at his son bewildered. He knew that Travis was always gentler around Taylor and that says alot seeing he was a tornado of a child, never calmed. But this was something else entirely. Travis never cried unless he wasn't getting his way with his brother, so him crying over upsetting Taylor came as a shock to Ed.

"Alright then, just apologize. Tay can play with whoever she wants to okay? She doesn't only have to play with you big guy." With that, Ed stood and made his way back over to his seat, collecting his beer from Scott on the way.

"Damn you Swift. My son is crying over your girl, says he 'doesn't wanna upset her' but won't let her play with Jase." With a swig of his beer Ed looks straight at the toddlers, not wanting to take his eyes off them.

Scott scoffs with a smile before turning to his friend. "Oh man, I'm sorry 'bout that one eh. Shes gonna be a tough one, let's hope it's just a daycare years thing, right?"

"For Travis's sake." They say in unison, clinking their beers doing so.


"Oh Don, aren't they just adorable?" Andrea fawns while rocking a sleeping Austin in her arms.

"For now. I mean come on, my boys are already in 4 sports. Football so they have a reason to tackle eachother, hockey to beat eachother with the sticks, basketball to throws balls at eachother, and baseball to wack eachother with the bats. It's only a matter of time before they ask to join fencing. And not for the right reasons." Donna Kelce says with a roll of her eyes.

Just then, Travis kicks Jason in the face as he descends from his so called handstand. Jason pushes him to the ground and run away laughing menacingly.

"Not fencing, but maybe gymnastics." Andrea states with a growing smirk on her face.

The two mothers turn to eachother and break into a fit of laughter.


Hey guys any tips and requests are welcome here!
This is my first time writing so don't be too harsh but criticism is always helpful!

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