Speed Limits

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I knew peace for a few seconds after waking up, but soon it was gone and I was once again plagued with the lingering thoughts of last night.
Thinking of it for a while more, I decided that distance is what he wanted so it's what I'll give him.

Later that day, Travis came over for movie night and I put my plan to action. Instead of sitting beside him on the couch a sat on an entirely different sofa. He looked at me for a few seconds confused before getting up and sitting beside me.

"What are you doing?" Travis asked.

"Giving you space. I thought that's what you wanted?" I mumbled

"Tay what? I've never said that"

"But last night you-"

"Last night was an off day, okay? I'm sorry I was acting weird I just had a lot on my mind."

"Good, because my feet hurt and no one massages the better than you" I reply with a smile.

"Really T? Always doing me dirty." He scoffs but massages them anyway.


                        -Time Skip-


I don't know what to do. Mom says if I want to put out my debut album I have to consider leaving school. Maybe not right away, but if it gets the attention we're aiming for. It's a safety issue for people to know and I'll also get picked on further from my class mates.

I stand up from the dining table where this discussion was being held and make my way to Travis's house. Being my best friend also means dealing with my shit. He knows that.

Walking through the front door, I greet his parents before going up to his room. Its eerily silent by the door so I knocked three time for good measure. No response.

Walking into his bedroom I grimace at the dirty clothes and underwear strewn around the floor. What a mess. Then I hear the shower running from his bathroom. I guess I'll just wait here then

I take a seat on his desk not trusting his bed or desk chair is sanitary considering the mess.

I hear the door beside me click open and Travis comes in wearing a black shirt with grey sweatpants. Thankfully clothed.

"Hey T. What's up?"

"Ok so , mom and dad said if I get famous from my debut album I'll have to finish school online, but I want to have a normal high school experience like everyone else, which won't be possible if I leave."

"Woah, we have speed limits 'round you know that? With the speed you're talking at, you'd be arrested."

I stare at him blankly until his smile drops.

" O-K. Guess that didn't land. Look if it does well then awesome? Just live normally for now. This is your dream right?"

I get up and hug him appreciatively.

"Thanks Trav, you always know what to say."


Pretty short but I have one ready for tomorrow!!

Requests  vvvvv

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