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Taylor's going to an awards show for her sophomore album. Taylor, my best friend, at the Grammys ? What. The. Shit. Fuck. She told me about a week ago, but being in her house watching her get ready for it makes it so much more real.

Now don't get me wrong, I would be getting ready with her if only she had invited me. Am I salty? Yes. But in her defense the media has been accusing her of dating any man within five feet of her.

Watching her get ready for the awards show makes me think about our future. Her winning Grammy awards and me winning Super Bowl rings. As much as I wish we could be doing it together as always, it's not possible. Plus I don't even know if I'm getting into the NFL yet. I have to get drafted once I start college in Cincinnati.

That reminds me, I have to tell Taylor about my offer over there. It's sad that I have to leave her but I have dreams to follow. I'm sure she won't be that sad. Not as much as me at least.

The day of her sixteenth birthday altered everything for me. She was no longer just Taylor, my bestfriend, she's now Taylor, the woman I'm in love with. But it's only one sided. I know it is.

I was going to say something to her before but the Joe Jonas came and went so that was out the window.

Mark my words Joe, I will find you.


Brought back to reality by Taylor, now standing in front of me with heat curls and a snug navy blue dress with glitter adorning it.

My throat went dry and words no longer existed. I was speechless. All I could do was stare at the woman before me, beyond proud. I launched myself at her, engulfing her in a hug.

She just laughed at me, but nothing was funny.

I was so proud. I was also so scared. Scared that the woman I loved was about to forget me as she went on to greater things. Scared that she would never know how much I love her.
Scared she would never be mine.

Detaching from her, I cradle her cheeks with my palms and kiss her forehead. I never do that. That wasn't casual Travis. I'm sensing she knew that too.

"What with all the affection trav?" She giggles at me.

"Just so proud T. Go win out there, I'll be watching."

"Will you be here when I get back?" She asked timidly.

"Of course. It's Saturday."

"Right it's movie night!"

"Now go! I'll be here." I send her off watching her leave and race to the car.

Sitting down on her couch, I turn on the channel and wait for the awards to start. I smile everytime the camera pans to Taylor, feeling so surreal. I can't imagine how it must be like for her. It's time for the biggest award and I'm on my toes, pacing.

"And the Grammy for Album Of The Year goes to........"

"Cmon spit it out" I mumble.

"Taylor Swift, Fearless!"

Watching her rush to the stage and accept the award brings tears to my eyes. It's her first Grammy's ceremony and she's leaving with 4 awards and the hardest one to achieve. All in her first year.


I open the door to my house to find Travis standing in the hallway. The excitement hasn't worn off just yet so I squeal and launch at him. Catching me in a bear hug, he congratulates me.

"Oh my gosh T you did it! I'm so proud baby, so fucking proud."

Baby? Did he just call me baby? Travis has never called me that. Whatever. It's the best night of my life, no need to think so much. Right?

"Trav I did it! Now I get to choose the movie! Boo ya! Friends here I come!"

"Friends? But that not a movie Tay?"

"No but I did just win a Grammy so it's what I want."

He just laughs and we make our way over to the couch. I end up changing into sweats and one of his hoodies. Throwing my feet over his lap, I get comfortable and start our current episode of friends.

I can't but help but think about what happened a few minutes earlier. Baby. He called me baby. That's a couples thing. We're just friends though.

Friends. That's what we are. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just two friends watching friends.


New chapter out in less than 24 hours!

Requests vvvvv

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