Chapter No 4: Save Me From Myself

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Taylor's POV:

My painful heart was now skipping beats as well...

"Travis..." I said breathlessly, still not believing my eyes.

His big smile turned to a concerned frown, "Hi Taylor..."

I stepped aside to let him in and he gave a quick look around as if searching for something. He had a big pink box in his hand.

"I heard that you guys were celebrating the end of the first leg of the tour. So I brought some sweets! Congratulations!" He said handing the box to me.

I was trying to gain my composure and was thankful that he didn't comment on my horrible appearance.

"Thank you!" I tried to sound cheerful but my voice came out rough from crying for hours.

I turned my back to him as I walked towards the kitchen, grateful for the distraction.

"How'd you found out where I was?" I asked. I heard his footsteps following behind me.

"I'm really good friends with Kam's brother. We played together in the NFL. He said that everyone was out celebrating but you wanted to stay in and rest. So I thought I'd come over and surprise you."

Of course Kam would do something like this. All of my dancers and vocalists stayed in the same hotel as me so they probably told him the address as well.

"I hope I didn't intrude." He added.

"No, no it's fine." I quickly said. I put the box on the kitchen island and grabbed two plates. Travis opened the box and I peaked inside to see various different cupcakes, donuts and pastries. If I wasn't dying inside, I would've squealed like a happy school girl.

"Again I didn't know which one you liked best so I bought a variety of everything they had." He said nervously.

I never gave him time to get to know me yet he was doing all of this.

"Thank you for always being so thoughtful." I said going to grab spoons and forks. At this point I was just procrastinating on the actual topic at hand.

I heard him walk behind me as I gathered the utensils. "Did you get my calls and texts?" He asked.

I dropped a spoon on the counter in worry. Shit! I didn't have the energy to make up lies right now. Not with him standing a few feet away from me.

"Yes," I said without thinking.

There was a few seconds silence. "Why didn't you reply? Did I do something wrong?"

I sighed and turned around. I didn't realize he was standing so close. I almost bumped into him as I turned to face him.

I looked up into his eyes and they were filled with worry and sadness. "I didn't know what to say." I told him the half truth. Tears already stinging my eyes.

He sighed like he had officially given up. He grabbed the utensils from my hand and put them behind him on the counter not breaking eye contact with me.

"Tay, I'm not here just for the formalities. I haven't slept properly for the past week. I check my phone like a mad man after every minute. I have a football game in 19 hours. But none of that fucking matters if I don't get to..." He trailed off at the end like he was afraid to say exactly what was on his mind.

He stepped closer, completing the distance between us. "Please let me know what's wrong..." He almost begged.

"Why do you assume something's wrong? Because I didn't want to call you back? Maybe I don't actually like you and was trying to get rid of you..." I played my last card. Hurting people's feelings...

The Alchemy: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Love Story Where stories live. Discover now