Chapter 35: An Ice Cold Summer

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A/N: I do remember this from the Roleplay I did before, but like everytime, things will be changed, but due to it, I'll be adding many more Yo-Kai into this Chapter.

Upon it being a very nice sunny day, the Sunshine shined through Kyra's room's curtains as it also hit Mesmo's Covered Cage, as he then opened it up as he called out to Kyra.

Mesmo: Good Morning Kyra. Ready to start the day?

He didn't notice Kyra was already changed into her clothes, looking a bit excited.

Kyra: Your telling me? Who could say no on a day like this?

Once he say she was ready, both were about to leave the house as Kyra snatched a piece of Toast.

Kyra: Sorry Winter, just in a hurry.

Winter: Ok? What's going on?

Kyra: No idea. Just thinking it's a good day to go outside.

Falsaria: So your excited for nothing?

Mesmo: It's s good morning to go out and possibly meet and find some Yo-Kai.

Winter: Makes sense.

Kyra: We'll see you guys later. If needed, I'll summon you and...

Just before she could leave the house, she was greeted by a gust of Cold Wind as they saw outside of their house was covered in a Blanket of Snow.

Just before she could leave the house, she was greeted by a gust of Cold Wind as they saw outside of their house was covered in a Blanket of Snow

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Winter and Falsaria looked outside, seeing it was mostly their house. Blamedian rolled down the stairs as he felt the cold air, as he too looked outside.

Blamedian: Didn't think Winter would come out this early?

*Insert Intro*

Yo-Kai Alhail

After seeing it was snowing outside, Kyra and Mesmo decided to stay indoors to keep walm, as them and everyone else was thinking what caused it.

Winter: Snow... in the Middle of July? That's defiantly a calling of a Yo-Kai!

Blamedian: Hate to admit it, but I believe her. A Yo-Kai this early is kind of rare.

Kyra: That's what I was thinking myself. C'mon, let's check it out.

They all left the house as they saw it was only their house that was snowing. The Neighbours were also snowed, but not much.

 The Neighbours were also snowed, but not much

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