10. Fine

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did it happen again


did what happen sir


you know what i mean woo


a little bit


you were running
like a chicken
with its head cut off
i don't think it was
just a little

who was it


it doesn't matter
i handled it


that's what you would
say in the past too
then you ended up
in the hospital

that was such a
scary time woo
i don't want you to get
like that again


i won't
everything's fine


are you SURE?



stop worrying

don't you have a date to be
getting ready for
or something


i do in fact

but it can wait
if you need me


no i don't

go have fun with your
annoying boyfriend
i have homework to do


you hardly ever do
homework liar


you got me 🤪

i'm gonna go watch porn now
bye bye



Wooyoung sits against the wall on the bathroom floor. Eyes glazed over, he stares into deep space. As if the school day wasn't enough, he got scolded by his mother. For the first time in a long while, he was supposed to pick up his little brother from school. Unfortunately, his feral episode earned him window cleaning duty after school, which then led to him missing the pickup time.

Trying to explain why he failed to pick up his brother sparked a whole new set of verbal discipline. Not only did he leave his baby brother stranded, but the reasoning was because he got in trouble at school. His mother was livid.

The tongue lashing he received wasn't much different from what he'd heard before. What struck him was how he had lost older brother privileges as fast as he'd gotten them. No matter what he did, he was never viewed as trustworthy by his parents. Babysitting his younger sibling should come as a natural obligation advocated by busy parents, but Wooyoung always had to fight tooth and nail for it.

Being himself is a bad thing. He learned this very early on. His parents were his first bullies, and the ones that mattered the most. Although things have improved gradually, all it takes is a second glance to realize his relationship with his mom and dad is a strained one.

He wants to scream so badly right now. He just wants to run around like he's insane and scream until he's hoarse—just how he behaved at school earlier. It's all he can do in times like this. When the world is so incredibly rude to him, he can drown out the sounds with his own chaos.

Someone is speaking out against him? Just be louder than they are.

Then everything will be fine.

[A/N] So about our date... Did you vote tho?

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