363 17 0

Unknown Number
If you're trying to get my attention it's working.

Anya James
sorry, who is this?

Unknown Number

Anya James
??? no help

Unknown Number

Anya James
haha so funny gracie

Unknown Number

Anya James
i'm about to block this number so if this is gracie, olivia, ariana, or tara you need to speak now

Unknown Number
Anya, this is Taylor

Anya James
even if this was taylor, why would u text me?

Unknown Number
Is that not what you wanted?

Anya James
you're being nonchalant i hate that
i need proof this is taylor

Unknown Number
My bad 😹
No proof, just trust me 🙃

Anya James
the cat emojis are terrifying
Read 12:03 am

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