The Meeting

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You sigh remembering the day everything changed, and so far, not for the better.


It was raining heavily after you got out of school, but as always you felt weirdly warm. That's when you heard someone starting to follow you. You walk faster trying to get home, but the stranger sped up too, they were catching up to you. As you glance back, you stifle a scream, what was chasing you was a lady, but instead of legs or hair she had snake parts. A memory runs through your mind as you remember something from Greek mythology, your favorite subject. You recognized the monster as a Kampé. You run across the street in to the forest there. Instead of keeping on running you turn and face to the monster with a sudden burst of bravery. Out of nowhere your arms catch on fire, burning Kampé. She screeches and pulls out a sword dripping with acidic looking green stuff. You back away quickly your arms no longer on fire. You are about to scream as she runs toward you, when she just bursts in to gold dust. in her place a dark shadow stands. You trip over a root as you try to scurry away, tears of fear ((you see what I did there?)) running down your face. You whimper quietly as the new shadow get closer. But when a stream of moonlight filters through the tree, it hits his face. You gasp as he kneels down next to you. His eyes bore deep into yours, you studying them memorized. He looked like a god to you, his shaggy black hair falling in his face, dripping with water in just the right way, his dark chocolate brown eyes that held so much emotion. When he finally speaks it's quiet and calming "It's ok, I'm not going to hurt you, my name is Nico, what's yours?" You shake your head trying to clear your mind from the image of his eyes. "Uh, my name is (y/n) (l/n), but you can call me (n/n)." He nods "Well, (n/n) we need to get out of here before more monsters come, can you grab my arm?" You look at him weird but grab his arm anyway. All of a sudden you felt as if you were melting away, the only thing letting you know you didn't dissolve was the feeling of Nico's arm under your hand. Where you landed has changed your life since.

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