Wake Up

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So sorry my pups! Terrible writers block. I've got this for you though! And I hope another chapter will come soon for you since my writers block is gone.

Wolfe's POV:

I was dreaming once again of the mysterious man, when all of a sudden everything flashes a bright white and two goddesses and a familiar looking boy appear. I look around, "Where did the boy in the shadows go?" One of the goddesses walks forward, but as she get closer to me her imagine flickers. Instead of platinum blonde hair and pale blue eyes, she appeared with long black hair, and her eyes a deep chocolate color. She tilts her head, studying me. I look between her and the boy standing next to her and I get confused. "Are you two siblings?" The boy looks confused. "We look nothing alike." The goddess laughs. The other one who had braided white hair spoke first. "Aphrodite appears to each person uniquely. As the goddess of love she looks to you like the person you love most. To Nico here, she looks like you. And to you, she looks Nico." I shake my head. "I don't even know him." Aphrodite smiles at me. "Are you sure about that?" She waves her hand and the image of the boy of my dreams appears right next to Nico. I watch as the shadow that always covers his face moves up, showing an exact replica of him. I gasp and stutter. "T-that's not possible." Nico steps forward. "Wolfe. You don't remember me because of your accident. The doctors made the whole thing up. Said if we forced the memories on you, you would die. Artemis, Aphrodite and I believe if all three of us work together we can bring them back without hurting you." Everything runs through my head. Most people didn't know it but I was actually very analytical and thought most things out quickly. "What actually happened then? My accident I mean." They all give me sad looks. Aphrodite stepped forward and hugged me. "I'm so very sorry my dear. I neglected you and because of that you never had love in your life...Y-you tried to kill yourself Wolfe." I step out of her arms. "Kill myself? I wouldn't do that. I'm happy. I have friends. I have love in my life. I even like Will Solace." Aphrodite sends me a small smile and touches two fingers to my forehead. I grab my chest when it starts feeling like I was being stabbed through the heart. "What. Are you. Doing to me?!" Nico grabs her arm. "Lady Aphrodite, what ARE you doing?" "Showing her the truth. I'm not bring back her memories per say, but I'm showing her a glimpse of what she used to feel. Before the accident." I look at Nico with tears in my eyes. "I don't want it! I don't want this! It hurts too much!" One tear slides down Nico's face. "But Wolfe-" His voice cracks. "I need you. You're the only person I have left." Aphrodite puts her other hand to Nico's forehead. "Do you wish to know what she's feeling?" He nods, then a second later, the boy who never showed pain, the boy known for his steely emotions, cried out and withered slightly in pain. Aphrodite nods sadly watching as she takes her hands off both of our foreheads, relieving us of the pain. "Love lost hurts less than having never felt love at all. Wolfe, if you regain your memories, you will feel this for but a mere few more seconds. Because any longer than that and you'll be in Nico's arms for the rest of your lives." I watch the three of them, contemplating the choice I had been given. After a minute, I nod. "Ok."
All of them smiled and Nico stepped forward and kissed my cheek. Artemis and Aphrodite stand on either side of me and raise their arms and begin an incantation. Their voices started to give off a melodic echo as if a dozen different voices were speaking at once. "To michánima ékane láthos, spasména apó synaisthímata, tha enotheí kai páli, apó tin agápi kai óneira. Tóra me tis dynámeis mas, pou se prostázo na thymómaste!"
(The machine made wrong, broken by feelings, will be pieced together again, by love and dreams. Now by our powers, we command thee to remember!)
With a bright flash of white light, colors started to flow from the goddesses and mix together causing a pink, red, and whiteish-blue tornado to surround me. Slowly I felt the memories return, then one by one they returned faster until they were just a blur before my eyes. As the tornado dissolved I felt myself stumble and collapse, but before I could hit the ground, warm arms catch me and I'm looking in to beautiful brown eyes. "Nico." I breathe out, and smile before my vision faded out.

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