Cabin 3

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Percy's POV:

I ran to every cabin that had our friends in them and invited them to my cabin. Once I invited everyone, I went to the cabin to see how many people there were. I saw Annabeth, Piper, Leo, the Stoll twins, Katie, Thalia, Hazel, and Frank. "Ok everyone! We are going to play Truth or Dare, but first let's wait for Jason and the two guests he's bringing." Right then Jason burst into the cabin with Nico in tow and (y/n) walking quietly behind them. I grin as (y/n) sits between Leo and Nico. "Let's begin!"

Your POV:

After that awesome moment with Nico, it all came crashing down. Jason had come inviting us to the Poseidon cabin for "a game". You were worried and nervous, the way Jason had said game made it seem like he was planning something devious. You follow them anyway, Nico grumbling at Jason and you walking silently. As we get to the cabin you see 10 people are already inside sitting in a circle. You sit down between Leo and Nico, and heard the words Truth or Dare float around the room. 'Oh no' you thought, 'I always get made fun of in Truth or Dare, it always turns out horrible!' Before you react you feel something brush the tip of your fingers. You glance down and see Nico's hand barely touching your finger tips. You blush a little and look down. You think to yourself 'He doesn't like you in that way, stop kidding yourself. No one would ever like you in that way.' You look back up to see Percy and Jason looking at us then at each other smirking. Percy gets everyone's attention "I'll go first to get this party started. Piper, truth or dare?" Piper thought about it for a moment "truth." Percy smirked "if you could kiss anyone in here besides Jason who would it be?" Piper blushed "um...Leo I guess since he's my next best guy friend." Leo whooped but stopped when he saw Jason glaring at him. Piper moved the game forward "Travis, truth or dare?" He sat up straight "truth." Piper glared at Conner when she said the next part. "Travis, you have to tell us who Conner's crush is." Conner paled until he was almost completely white. Travis scratched at the floor and mumbled something that sounded like "....reese." Everyone leaned forward closer to hear. Piper tried again "louder Travis." Travis burst it out "Clarisse!" Everyone looked shocked, Travis just immediately jumped to the next person "Annabeth truth or dare?" Annabeth was still shocked but managed to answer "dare." Travis already had a dare in mind. "I dare you to go touch the pet tarantula in the Demeter cabin." Annabeth stormed out looking mad and scared. In the next two minutes we hear squealing and shouts coming from the Demeter cabin with Annabeth running back to her spot breathing heavily. "Jason truth or dare?" Jason sighed "dare." "I dare you to fly Thalia really high in to the air." After Jason did it and brought Thalia back down, Thalia tackled Annabeth. Everyone ignored the two girls as they fought in the corner. Jason grinned like a mad man "(y/n) truth or dare?" You look up at him surprised, you stutter a bit "t-truth." He immediately answered "Who do you have a crush on? And if I think you're lying I'll make you do a dare." Tears spring into my eyes "no one. I don't have a crush on anybody." Jason looked shocked then narrowed his eyes "I don't think I believe you." The tears start falling down my face "Well I don't, because he would never, ever even think about liking me, so could you just DROP IT?" You said shouting the last part. Jason looked sadly at you and nodded "ok. It's your turn." You shake your head "no, I'm leaving, I knew I shouldn't have stayed." You got up and left the cabin, for half a second you hesitated wondering if Nico would come running after you, after waiting for another five seconds, you sigh. 'I know he would never actually like me.'

Nico's POV:

I was furious at Jason. "What the hell Jason!" He looked genuinely scared, I thought it was fitting. "If you hadn't pushed her to answer she wouldn't have left!" He looked up into my eyes. "Would you like to tell everyone why you care so much Nico?" I took a step back 'He knows.' My vision gets a little dizzy 'He knows.' I lean against the wall and close my eyes "because I love her Jason. Because I love her." Jason sat there staring at me then all the girls and Percy started squealing and singing "Nico has a crush! Nico has crush!" I looked at Annabeth who was walking toward me. She put a hand on my shoulder knowing I wouldn't like to be hugged "if you really love her, you should go to her before you lose her." I shake my head "what if she doesn't feel the same way though? She said her crush would never like her but I like her so she can't be talking about me." Annabeth smiled sadly at me "her eyes are filled with pain and sadness, I've seen it myself. Do you want to know the only time I see joy or love in her eyes? It's when she is with you Nico. I saw her blush when you brushed her hand with yours after you sat down." Thoughts started rushing through my head. I see a flashback of how first saw her, see started at me like I was the most beautiful thing in the world. Then the flashback changed, she was watching the window of her cabin looking straight at me as if daydreaming about me. Dozens of times before that too I see her watching me from afar. I blink as I return to the present "I have to go find her" Annabeth smiles "go on then!" She says to me with a little push through the door. And that day I ran the fastest I've ever run in my life.

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