To Get Her / Together Part 2

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Your POV:
As you leaned the edge of the cliff to where you were losing your balance, you started feeling free. You started feeling happy, happy that you were finally going to escape everyone. Happy you were going to escape Nico. As if in slow motion, when the gravity finally takes over, an arm wraps around your waist pulling you back on to the cliff. You lay there on the ground as tears start falling on to your cheeks. A blurry figure runs back toward you and leans in, you hear muffled shouting. You try to listen to what they are saying to you. You can faintly hear a familiar voice "(Y/N)! No (Y/N) look at me! Damn it (n/n)! Why? Why would you do this?" I was losing consciousness quickly so as everything went dark I said three words. "Because. Of. Nico." Then I fell into oblivion.

Nico's POV:
I was looking for (n/n) in the forest when i see a small opening in the trees. I run toward it only to see her leaning off of a cliff. My reaction is immediate, as I run toward her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling backwards. As she continues laying on the ground I run to check in her. I see fresh tears on her face and her eyes going in and out of focus. I start shouting her name, when it's clear she isn't really hearing me, I keep shouting still.
"(Y/N)! No (Y/N) look at me! Damn it (n/n)! Why? Why would you do this?" Her eyes seem to focus for a split second then she says three words that would scar me forever. "Because. Of. Nico." Then she falls unconscious. My heart felt like someone had ripped it out of me, shattered it to pieces, then pulverized it until there was nothing left. Tears quickly start running down my face as I rush picking her up and shadow traveling her to the infirmary. A few Apollo kids on duty rush to help me take her. One of the Apollo girls tells me that I'm not allowed inside for the moment, so when she leaves a sob racks my body as I sit in one of the waiting room chairs. I hear the doors open, followed by the sound of many feet and one pair of hooves. I don't look up as everyone comes in, I just keep crying and crying. When I feel someone sit next to me, I know immediately it's Annabeth. I hug her tightly, not caring anymore about my no touching rule. She seems surprised but she hugs back anyway. "Shhhh. It's ok Nico, Will himself is making sure that (y/n) getting the best care she can be given. That's was my last straw. "That's just it Annabeth! I don't want to have her being taken care of in the infirmary! I want her to be with me, in my cabin right now. Watching Disney movies and eating snacks. Cuddling in the dark and whispering sappy stuff into each other's ears! I want to be feeling her lips on mine for the first time. I want her to know that she is perfect and beautiful and smart, and better than any other girl I've ever met! I just want her back..." I whisper the last part after yelling all the rest. After my rant everyone has tears falling down their faces even Chiron shed a tear.  Annabeth was silently sobbing as she hugged me. Nobody had anything better to say after my rant. So the room fell into silence for the rest of the night.

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