Chapter Nine: Set Fire To The Rain

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I couldn't move, think, speak. My consciousness was completely removed from the situation. I was sleepwalking through space and time. I prayed that I was dreaming, else living in a nightmare that I could wake up from. But reality was no nightmare.

"He's being airlifted to Ormond Hospital." Nick said quietly. The others began talking, and I dimly registered Cleo's high-pitched voice asking questions. Occasionally, my mind floated back into the conversation.

"-Jada said that he sustained a collapsed lung. Head trauma."

"-all going in Nick's car?"

"-soon as possible."

My brain snapped into reality as Cleo put an arm around my shoulders, demanding to the others, "Why didn't you tell us about this straight away? Mallory was terrified when Reid didn't come back on time."

"We got caught up in the situation. I'm sorry." Nina apologised. 

I wrapped my arms around my body, because the cool air was biting at my exposed skin. But I was numb to my very bones. My emotions amassed into a tsunami that I'd barred indefinitely, but they would come crashing down soon. I couldn't hold it up forever; not without Reid.

"What about Reid?" I asked, focusing on keeping any tears at bay. "How is he?"

Nina's eyes were pleading as she spoke, wringing her hands. "Talk to Jada after you see Reid. We'll take you to Ormond right now."

Cleo held my hand as she helped me into Nick's car, stroking her thumb reassuringly over my skin. My eyes focused on her hand. It was smaller than I remembered, but her fingers were long and elegant. 

Nina cursed and hit the steering wheel in frustration. "I don't know the way. Help me with navigating, Cleo?"

Cleo sighed, like it was hard work to deal with Nina. I knew she didn't like Nina, but I didn't know why. "Okay."

So I was alone with Nick in the backseat. I watched neighboring cars overtake us on the highway. Nick and I sat in silence together, while Nina and Cleo talked. Silence suited me fine, because I was still processing that Reid was alone and dying in a helicopter somewhere, being airlifted to Ormond.

The first tears seeped out of my eyes, trailing down my cheeks. Reid was injured and I was sitting safely in Nina's car, with no clue about what was happening. His parents would know, but I didn't want to talk to them. Talking to Reid's parents would have made everything too real.

I felt someone's fingers brush over my hand tentatively. I looked at Nick, who withdrew from me immediately, looking awkward. "I'm sorry." he whispered, aware that Nina and Cleo were busy arguing in the front. "I know it's difficult. Is there any way I can help?"

I sniffed. "If you could tell me where Reid is, that would be great."

"I'll try my best to become a human GPS for you." Nick said seriously. His eyes glinted with sober humour, and he actually brought a laugh out of me. He smiled, pleased. "There you go. Even if I can't tell you anything useful, at least I can make you laugh."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I decided on, "Thank you."

He shook his head. "It's not a favour. I just want to see you smile."

Nick had a knack for saying things that I couldn't reply to. So this time, I decided not to settle for a generic, awkward response, instead opting for comfortable silence. Nick and I were slowly bridging the gap between us.

Nick seemed like the kind of person that would comfort you when no one else would. He appeared reserved; the stereotypical strong and silent type. But he possessed an undeniable compassion and honesty that rivalled Reid's own.

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