Chapter Twenty Four: Yellow

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Gasps rippled across the wedding guests. Tony was rooted to the altar. Reid looked paler than a ghost, his eyes fixed on his ex-girlfriend. It was painfully obvious that neither of them knew that someone died because of the crash.

"What gives you the right to say that?" Cleo spoke up furiously, glaring at Nina. "You've ruined a happy day for Tony and Kennedy."

At last, Nina came to her senses. She looked around the seats, seeing unfriendly eyes boring into her. Shaking her head, she stepped backwards down the aisle, tripping on her heels, and she fled. The guests erupted, getting up from their seats to follow her, else they scattered.

I turned my attention to Reid, whose eyes were wild. He looked like he stopped breathing. I crouched in front of him, taking his hands in mine. I rubbed them, trying to get him to look at me. "You don't actually believe her, do you?" I asked him, shocked.

Slowly, Reid shook his head at the ground, his eyes unfocused. Then he stood up without warning, looking lost and scared. "I have to go."

"Reid?" I begged, but he was already walking away. I rushed after him, silent tears running down my face, only to be stopped by Nick grasping my wrists. I glared up at Nick, incoherent in my distress as I protested, "Reid needs me."

"He needs space for a minute." Nick countered. He stared into my eyes, trying to discern the truth of my answer to his next question. "Did you know about what Nina said? Is it true?"

I shook my head, incredulous and bewildered in my shock. "I have no idea. But Cleo definitely knew."

Nick nodded silently. He stepped away and sighed, running a hand through his midnight hair. "I'm happy that you're happy. But I feel obligated to say that your relationship with Reid used to be co-dependent. Don't let it become like that again."

I smiled bitterly, turning to look at the ruined altar. It was so beautiful in the morning light, but the events of the day ruined any lasting beauty. "It's too late for that. 

"It's never too late." Nick insisted. He sounded so worried that I genuinely considered what he was asking me to do. He was telling me to keep Reid at a distance. Maybe Nick wanted me to leave Reid alone, give him space to breathe.

But that wasn't my way of helping my friends. Letting them help themselves, letting them struggle along in the wake of the heartbreak they initially created. I needed to do something; I needed to act now.

I turned back to Nick, tears running down my cheeks in silvery trails. "I love him more than my life. I can't let Reid suffer alone."

I saw how my words hurt Nick. He reared back, then clenched his jaw abruptly. "Fine. Just something to think about, anyway." he forced out.

I stared at him for a moment, brushing the skin of my arm with my fingertips. "I didn't want things between us to end badly."

Nick thought about my words for a moment in silence, then he said hesitantly, and more calmly, "I agree. Friends?"

I nodded briefly. "Friends."

I gave Nick a tentative smile; I received a crooked smirk in return. It was more than I expected. Nick straightened the lapels of his blazer, looking away to survey the altar. 

"After all, if you were Reid's world, he was the sun you revolved around."

I almost thought he was talking to himself, but Nick glanced at me with a faint smile. I was choked up by the sheer beauty of his words. His poetry was subtle, but it struck my heart with striking precision.

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