Cut or Infection - Minsungjin (pt.2)

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Han sighed, letting his phone drop onto his bed. He didn't know what to feel at that moment so he decided to be a lazy ass and sleep. 

By the time it was time for dinner, Han's mother was in his room with a cane. "Wake up and go get your friends, Jisung!"

Han leapt out of his bed immediately manoeuvreing (o-o this is the *one* word I struggle to spell) around the long stick. His mother waved it around threateningly and chased after him. So he hauled his ass even faster.

Somehow, when he reached the door, Minho was already there waiting. Han beckoned him in, grinning. "Hyunjin's not here?"

Minho shrugged, "I don't know, check the chat."

Han eyed his mother as she came out of his room and he retrieved his phone, opening the group chat.

No new messages. Han checked the time. Exactly 7. Hyunjin was late, then.

Han sighed and closed the door. He turned to Minho, scratching his head, "Why are you so hostile to Hyunjin all of a sudden, Minho?"

"I'm not being...hostile. Anyway, it is a fact that he's not a great influence on you. I mean, sure you can be friends with him but he's clearly dependent on you cleaning his messes up for him. As much as you need to stop letting him get away with trouble-making, he needs to stop dragging you down with him if he persists in his ways," Minho reasoned. He sounded genuinely frustrated and concerned.

"He's our friend, Minho. That is reason enough to help him. Sure, his actions may not be the holiest and purest on the earth but with persuasion, we could turn him away from his habits without resorting to deserting him," Han protested.

He felt weight pinning his shoulders, sagging them. He sighed heavily and stalked over to the couch, collapsing on it. He laid there, not saying a word. Minho walked to the head of the couch and sat there. There was a comfortable silence yet also an underlying tension that had to be resolved sooner or later.

"Why all of a sudden, Minho? You've never said anything bef-"

Minho interjected, "He can't keep corrupting you, Han!"

Han tensed. Minho had never shouted at him before and definitely not about Hyunjin. Shit. Han didn't know whether to prostrate himself and look Minho eye-to-eye or to lay there. Either action was awkward. If he straightened, Minho would think he objected and if he continued to lie there, Minho might think he didn't care.

Han sighed, "He's not corrupting me, Minho. Please stop worrying about me before our friendship starts breaking apart. Do you know how hard it is, knowing that one of my closest friends has a problem with my only other close friend?!"

Minho ground his teeth, "I don't have a problem with Hyunjin. I have a problem with you letting Hyunjin get you involved in his troubles. It's going to catch up to you one day, Hammie."

The pet name sent shivers up Han in this context. Minho had no fucking right to sweet talk him like this. It felt wrong to use it while they were talking about serious matters. He felt like a child when Minho addressed him like that.

Han levered himself to a sitting position and try as he might, he couldn't stop his arms from shaking. Whether it was from frustration or anger, he had no idea. Could even be both. He bit his tongue, ready to retort when a knock on the door interrupted him. He pushed off from the couch and stalked over to the door, schooling his expression. He prayed to God that Minho had done the same.

He flung the door open and embraced Hyunjin. He swore he heard Minho scoff. Hyunjin laughed and ruffled Han's hair, "There there, I know you missed me Hammie. No need to jump on me."

The mention of his pet name again made him bristle. But of course, Hyunjin didn't catch that.



Han gasped as Hyunjin's glass of milk fell from its tray, spilt its contents all over him and shattered to shards on the floor. Hyunjin's eyes widened, "Oh, I'm so sorry Jisung! I need to be somewhere, sorry." He hurried off with his tray.

Han shivered as his uniform stuck to his body. His gaze lifted and his eyes met with Minho. 

Minho looked away.

~ ~

Han turned the corner. He gasped, "Hyunjin! Stop that!" He rushed forward and tried to yank the markers from Hyunjin's grip. He successfully did and he watched as Hyunjin hurried off. 

"Han Jisung! Stop that immediately!" Han jumped and dropped the marker, turning to face the teacher. His gaze landed on the someone beside the teacher. 

His close friend looked as shocked as him. Minho choked out, "Wait-"

The teacher snapped, "Han Jisung, detention after school. Minho, head to class."

Han could only stand there and stare at Minho. Had he not been here to stop Hyunjin, his close friend would have gotten caught. He shot Minho a glare that said, How could you?

Minho returned his glare with a blank stare.


~ ~ ~

Han dragged himself half-heartedly to the detention room. Why was his life spiralling down? He was burning out and he didn't know how to step out of the fire that Hyunjin had started.

~ ~ ~ ~

Han shut out the voices. Shut out the stares. No doubt they all thought he was insane. Gone mad. They weren't wrong. In fact, they might be closer to the truth he would ever be.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

He stopped speaking. He slowly met his friends less and less. They would send an occasional 'u ok?' text, in which he would either read and ignore or reply with a lie.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Who had been the root of all of this? Hyunjin, the troublemaker? Did he start all of this?

Or was it Minho that, in his own way of trying to help Jisung, fuck it all up?

Eventually, the smouldering flames took over. No one, absolutely no one, would he ever let in again. None. 

Because if even his childhood best friends had the potential to crash him, not a single soul out there could save him from this same fate.

[1021 words]

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