Promised - Changmin (pt.6)

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[Long chapter!]

Jeongin licked his lips, muttering something under his breath. Changbin was sat in a chair beside Jeongin, also sitting. Hyunjin had fallen unconscious just an hour ago and Changbin had called for Jeongin as soon as possible.

Right now, Jeongin looked just as pale as Hyunjin, either suffering from shock or just feeling overwhelmed by this series of devastating events. Changbin checked his own reflection in the mirror. He looked perfectly fine, if only slightly red from running around the house frantically.

Changbin reached for Jeongin's forehead and the leader flinched. Deciding against it, he leaned into Changbin's touch, sighing and closing his eyes. His eye-bags were ever present and he looked like he hasn't had a good night's rest for a long time. Changbin whispered, "Rest, Jeongin." 

Jeongin opened his eyes, pinning them on Hyunjin's rising chest. Jeongin got up slowly, and the fight left his eyes. "Please don't let him die...I need him to be here–here for me."

Changbin got up as well, placing the chairs along the wall. He slung his arm around Jeongin who shoved him away, giving him a haunted look, "Don't catch anything from me.." Changbin stumbled back and watched the defeated leader walk dispiritedly out of the room.

Changbin had to find out what was going on. And to do that, he'd have to reach out from outside of this house.


He knocked on a door. A woman answered it, opening it hesitantly. As soon as she saw him, she near slammed it close. Changbin yelled, "Wait! I only want to ask a question."

The woman inched the door slightly open, "Speak."

Changbin collected his thoughts, breathing in deep, "I–I need to know why everyone is in such a...frenzy. Is there something going on?"

Silence greeted him. A deep, frustrated sigh was his temporary answer. He was about to leave, thinking she was through and through with him when she spoke, "My son...he's been sick. Hasn't woken for 3 days. I'm starting to get paler and paler as well. And every medicine I've fed him doesn't work. I tried going to the clinic, but there was a sign: 'If you're pale and sweating on the forehead, don't bother coming in.' Of course I tried, but the lady at the counter had just shooed two mothers away, saying that the sickness was unnamed and had no cure yet. It looks like a normal fever to me, but no medicine's worked."


"Is that all your questions? I need to tend to my son..."

Changbin nodded and then realised she couldn't see him through the door. He spoke cheerily, "Uh yes! Tha–" The door shut. Changbin's shoulder drooped. Okay, this was serious. Same symptoms but Changbin forgot to ask her whether her son was unconscious and for how long. But knocking again would be intruding too much. He'd have to question other families.

Sadly, most of the other households' reactions were far worse than the woman's. One had threatened that her husband would have him forcibly removed from the front of their door if he didn't leave immediately. Of course, as the anti-confrontational guy, he left as fast as he could. 

At the end of the day, what he gathered from most of their curt answers, was that this disease was affecting many all over the neighbourhood. But it had happened suddenly, no interaction with a sickly host but yet they had fallen ill. Even stranger that the sickness was unidentifiable.

If the sickness couldn't be culled, Changbin wondered how in the world they'd all survive this and when would be his turn?

Almost as if expecting it, Jeongin and Changbin made their way to Felix's room. The air was stale and smelt most certainly of rot and decay. Death had taken Felix into its embrace to join his co-leader.

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