My life's a lie - Felix

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Where am I? Nowhere. Nowhere at all. Or that's what they tell me. In the rare moments I escape: I wake up.
They whisper in my ears and tell me its all a dream. Of course, it's not. It never has been, though.
A dream I can't escape. A life I'll never live. Alive, but not living. Dead yet still breathing. So where am I? Nowhere. Nowhere at all.



Felix whimpered and tried to shuffle away from the man in white but the chains circling his wrists bit down, making him yelp and go limp in suffering.

"That's a good one." The man in white approached Felix, hold a cup of blue water. 

Felix opened his mouth to scream but all that came out was a croak. His mouth was dry and his brain was begging for his heart to just accept the blue water.

But Felix knew what this was. The man in white wanted to keep him dependent on that water. It was sickeningly sweet, obviously injected with something but it was so tempting for his thirst. He wanted the water so bad. Oh so badly.

After the tenth day of being forcefully fed the water, he had lost his ability to speak. Even when his mouth was coated in saliva and in perfect condition, no words came out. Just meaningless sound and noise.

The man in white would always just smile while watching Felix attempt to call for help, almost knowing all of them would be in vain. Bear no fruit.

The man in white just stood there, patiently holding the cup of blue water, making no move to pour the contents into Felix's mouth. No, he wanted Felix to lean in and drink it by his own accord. Another form of stepping on him.

Today, Felix was going to resist the man in white. He would no longer subject himself to this torture of drinking the blue water, falling asleep to sweet dream after sweet dream. It was all fake, Felix knew that. But the man in white probably assumed he was only fighting it because of the dryness of the mouth.

So, Felix leaned in. Unsuspecting, the man in white moved it closed to help Felix. It was the only sign of tenderness the man in white ever showed Felix. 

When Felix's chin was hovering above the cup, he jerked it and the cup was knocked off balance. It smashed upon impact, the blue liquid dirtying the floor and the man in white's white shoes. The man in white's hand remained still, and he watched Felix with dead eyes. Boring into Felix's wavering one.

"I didn't raise you to disobey," The man in white observed the mess on the ground, "tch, must've been that mother of yours. Rebellious bitch."

The man in white remained silent for a few moments as Felix crawled away from him, to the farthest corner of the bed. 

"Unacceptable." The man in white walked to the other side of the bed where Felix was cowering. Felix was slowed by the heavy chains and was too slow to move away. His ear was yanked harshly and the man in white hissed, "Stay still or this will be much, much worse for you. Got it, brat?"

Felix flinched and whimpered. The man in white rolled his eyes, as if Felix's muteness had only just dawned on him. He shoved Felix over on the bed and order him to remain there, leaving the room.

The man in white returned with a syringe filled with yellow liquid. "Since you refuse the nice sedative, I'll give you this one."

Felix thrashed around, refusing to go down. The man in white used his free hand, grabbing Felix's frail arm and squeezed. Felix shrieked in agony, white hot pain searing his vision. When his violent actions ceased, the man in white released him, bruise marks already starting to form. 

"Do you want to do this the easy way or the hard?" The man in white's gaze was unforgiving. His patience was at the edge of the cliff. 

"I could jam this in your arm, and it will hurt. Or you can be a good compliant brat and I'll make it painless. Choose or I'll make the choice."

Felix sniffed and his breathing was heavy and uneven. He inhaled sharply till his chest hurt. His inhales and exhales were staggered oddly as he stared at the syringe. Either way, it would probably hurt since the man in white seemed livid.

"Fine, I'll make the choice." The man in white lunged, grabbed Felix's injured arm. Felix yelled hoarsely as the man in white stabbed the syringe in. 

In a flash, the man in white was out of the room as Felix choked on his own saliva from screaming. His vision was splotchy at some parts and he was slowly losing consciousness. He clawed the bed sheet as his blood started boiling and he felt like he was burning alive.

And with unconsciousness, the pain was culled.


When consciousness greeted him, Felix shrieked. His eyes flew open only to see black. It stung everywhere. Every part of him burnt with a fire so bright he had tunnel vision. Felix whimpered, craving for icy water to be dunked on him, to douse this hellfire. He scratched himself, trying to bleed out the hot blood running through his veins.

That only added to the tingling sensation. He screamed his voice hoarse, stabbing pain elicited in his throat.


Felix's pitch went up and then his scream died down as the pain from the slap to his cheek registered. He froze, waiting as his vision cleared to reveal the man in white.

"Ready to cooperate, Felix?"

Felix moaned, trying to resist him. But every second experiencing this hell would drive him mad. He jerked his head up and down, tears falling from the pain.

A needle jabbed into his arm. Felix bit his tongue to hold back a yelp. Soon, the fiery sensation seeped away, leaving him shivering. 

Felix wanted to cry in relief but fear washed over him quickly. He looked up at the man he would be subjected to for possibly the rest of his life. 

The man in white reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe, "It's time for you to live again." Felix whimpered scrambling as quickly as he could from the man in white. His eyes flickered to the wide open door. The man in white tracked his gaze and strode forward, cornering Felix.

"What's the problem, boy? You get to live the perfect life. No worries, no work, no nightmares. Just sweet, sweet oblivion. Isn't that the dream of every kid? Gosh." The man in white grunted. He grabbed Felix to still him and jabbed the needle into his arm.

Felix blinked, and with each flutter of his eyelids, his cheeks got more wet. He didn't even know what this ob-lee-vee-uhn was and why it was sweet...only dark engulfed him.

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