Promise? - Changmin (pt.4)

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"Chan and Felix, explain yourselves."

Chan and Felix were glancing at one another, waiting for the other to speak first. Finally, Chan sighed, "Sorry Jeongin, we were reckless to not have restrained the captive."

Jeongin glanced at Hyunjin, cocking his head.

"They're sincere."

Jeongin closed his eyes and dipped his head, "Alright. I'll let you both off this time."

Han, at the corner of the room seemed glad that he'd been excused to tend to his wound. Lee Know was speculating the scene without any expression. 

Jeongin licked his lips and turned to Changbin, holding his gaze for three seconds. "Everyone's dismissed. Go do your work or none at all, just get out. Changbin, stay."

Hyunjin leaned into Jeongin and brought his lips to his ear and whispered something, lips brushing against Jeongin's ear. To Jeongin's credit, he didn't blush or even react at all. Hyunjin pressed a soft kiss to Jeongin's cheek and left. Chan just nodded and dragged Felix out of there, Lee Know pulling Han into a room, closing the door.

When it was just Jeongin and Changbin in the room, Jeongin gestured for Changbin to come closer. Changbin complied, swallowing dry. "Yes, leader?"

Jeongin glared upward and bit out, "I'll let the part that your door was open slip. Tell me how you managed to smuggle the captive out without Hyunjin stopping you."

Changbin hesitated, taken aback by Jeongin's knowledge, "I– Hyunjin's a heavy sleeper..?"

Jeongin's left eyebrow quirked up, "I didn't expect you to have noted that. Impressive observation skills."

Changbin bit back his reply. The person he had to call leader was an utter monster. Calculative and barely showed feelings. But no one was born corrupted. Changbin wondered what malevolence Jeongin had gone through to make him this inhumane and selective.

"I know it's not to ask this but–"

Jeongin looked at him severely, eye flashing with warning, "Then don't ask it."

how was your childhood like..?

A/N: Sorry for the short chap 😭😭 it's for the suspense

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