Chapter 13

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That same day,

Venice: you okay? (He asked to Rain who was crying heavily)
Rain: I don't know what should I feel anymore Ven, should I cry because he's gone or should I laugh because of what is happening to me and my life, I don't know, I don't really know, I don't even know now if god really exists, I don't know why he's doing all of this to me, I don't know why he doesn't want me to be happy, I just met him Ven, I just met my Dad but he stole him from me again, god stole him from me, Papa First stole me from my Dad before and now, he's gone, he left me again, he left me all alone now, (he said crying)


Venice, Rain, Type and Tharn are all happy eating outside the mall when suddenly Type fainted,

Venice: Uncle Type
Rain: Dad
Tharn: Type,

They all shouted worriedly, as they all watched Type's body fell on the ground.

Rain: D-dad, D-dad what happened? What happened to you? Wake up, Dad please wake up, (he said worriedly)
Tharn: Venice call an ambulance now, (he ordered him)
Venice: got it Uncle I'll be back
Rain: an ambulance? Why do we need an ambulance when Daddy Type just fainted

After 5 minutes an ambulance came, when the ambulance came,

They immediately put Type on the stretcher and Rain also got in the ambulance to take his Daddy to the hospital, while Rain was holding his Daddy's hand it suddenly fell like a withered vegetable, Rain panicked because of what happened,

Rain: what's going on?

So the nurses immediately checked his Daddy's pulse but they couldn't find it, so they pumped it several times but nothing changed, still nothing and still didn't find his Daddy's pulse until they arrived at the hospital, Rain got out of the ambulance nervously and scared while his Daddy was admitted inside the hospital,

Venice: Rain (he called him as soon as they saw him)
Tharn: Rain my son what happened?
Venice: Why are you crying?
Rain: Daddy Tharn, Ven, Daddy Type, his, his pulse suddenly dropped when we're bringing him here, he suddenly, he suddenly lost his pulse Dad,
Venice: shhh, Uncle Type will be okay, he will be alright just calm down, he will be fine (he said comforting Rain)
Doctor: Time of Death 5:30pm

They heard the Doctor says, Rain got shocked because of what he heard that's why he immediately entered his Daddy Type's room, and there he saw all the nurses covering his Daddy Type's body with a white blanket,

Rain: wait up, why, why are you covering him? Why Doc? Doc tell me, this isn't true right?
Doctor: I'm sorry, we already did our best but your Dad is gone,
Rain: no, that's not true, how can that even be possible? We were just eating earlier outside, we even went to the mall, watch cinema together, he even gave me a bracelet and then now you're telling me that he's gone? That my Dad is gone? How can that even be possible?
Doctor: your Dad is sick don't you know that? Type has cancer stage 4 cancer, we already told him that he has only a several days left before he die, and he had a heart attack that cause him to die
Rain: no that's not true, how can you tell him that he has several days to live? Are you the God? Can you predict the future? No, so please stop telling me all those lies and start treating my Dad, (he shouted angrily)

He even tried holding the Doctor's collar luckily Venice calm him down,

Venice: calm down Rain, calm down,
Rain: my Dad, he's alive, please tell me this isn't true, please tell me Ven, Daddy Tharn, it's not true right? It's not true, (he said crying while begging to Tharn)
Tharn: Rain, the Doctor's right, they already told us that your Daddy Type has only several days to live,
Rain: no, this isn't true, why? Why is this happening? I just met him, I still, I still want to spend more time with him, I still want to go out with him, can't I have him back lord? Can't you bring him back to me, please?

End of Flashback,

Venice: shhh, you can cry all you want Rain but you shouldn't blame god because of what happened on Uncle, maybe it's his time,
Rain: but I haven't had so many times to spend with him and yet---
Venice: I understand that you're frustrated because of what happened but god gave you this problem to test how strong and brave you are,
Rain: but I am tired Ven, I am so tired, you know what this fucking faith doesn't want me to be happy, especially Sky and his family, if they didn't stole me from my Dad, I should have been with him before he died, I should have known that his sick, I should have spend more time with him, but they stole it from me, they stole my little happiness from me, that Sky stole my boyfriend from me, and now my so called parents especially Papa First stole me from my Daddy, they literally stole everything from me, I shouldn't have loved them from the first place, I shouldn't have accepted all of them ando shouldn't have treated them as my own family, especially that guy, my Papa First, I shouldn't have let him stole me from Daddy Type, i wish I found all of this earlier, I'm so stupid, so, so stupid, I hate them, I hate those people, I'm gonna make them pay, I swear (he said  crying)
Venice: Rain

That's the only things he can say before he saw the changes in Rain's eyes, if earlier he is crying but now his eyes is full of angriness and pain, the only one thing that Venice doesn't want to happen but he thinks it's finally happening, Rain will changed his life because of them, because of those people who hurt him.

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