Her Relief His Distress #14.1

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"How beautiful is the affair of a believer, distractions of the world tightens his chest and seeking pleasure of Allah tranquils his heart

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"How beautiful is the affair of a believer, distractions of the world tightens his chest and seeking pleasure of Allah tranquils his heart. He is indeed a wayfarer, passing through the lands and taking what he needs whilst his heart yearns for his eternal destination."

Samurah pondered upon her words and said as she realised something, "When I'm off the track and slacking, it makes my days dull and at some point I just wish to cry as if I was bottling up my emotions for too long. Being away from what I love and that which pleases me makes me heartbroken. And Subhan Allah, this lasts for couple of weeks or even less than that until a powerful reminder pops up on, and the strange thing is that the reminded appears on the same day when I cry or my emotions become too much that I'm unable to bear..."

"And when you cannot cope up with the burden of sins upon your heart, they force you to ponder and cry before Allah, for Him Subhânahu Wata'ala to help you" Umm Saqlayn finished for her.

"The remorse and recognition of the sin bubbles up on the surface until it jolts through in form of tears. And then suddenly it becomes quite and your mind clears and heart feels light as if the burden of those sins has been finally lifted off. Hence, you think and ponder upon what had occurred, holding yourself accountable until the realisation hits here," Umm Saqlayn touched her heart, "alas, Allah Subhânahu Wata'ala retrieve your steps back to where they truly belong. He Subhânahu Wata'ala brings you into the light from the darkness."

Samurah became quite, mulling over whatever Umm Saqlayn just said.

"Subhan Allah, this is exactly how I feel" Samurah finally said, amazed at how accurately Umm Saqlayn described her situation, Subhan Allah.

Umm Saqlayn smiled,
"It is the effect of our own sins habibty, as Prophet ﷺ said:

الْبِرُّ مَا اطْمَأَنَّتْ إلَيْهِ النَّفْسُ، وَاطْمَأَنَّ إلَيْهِ الْقَلْبُ، وَالْإِثْمُ مَا حَاكَ فِي النَّفْسِ وَتَرَدَّدَ فِي الصَّدْرِ، وَإِنْ أَفْتَاك النَّاسُ وَأَفْتَوْك.

Righteousness is that about which the soul feels at ease and the heart feels tranquil. And wrongdoing is that which wavers in the soul and causes uneasiness in the breast, even though people have repeatedly given their legal opinion [in its favour.] -Musnad Ahmed 18028 & Ad-Dārimi 2533)

"Devil is our clear enemy, he whispers to us every second of the day, he strive to misguide us every time. However, this intensifies when we're worshipping Allah and seeking Islamic knowledge is an act of worship.

The one who's disobedient, Shaytān doesn't have to make any effort in misguiding him because he's already doing what pleases Shaytān and displeases Allah. It is the obedient servant he has to work hard in order to misguide him. And Shaytān does so from every direction.

For example, as a seeker of knowledge, what are the obstacles that you face?"

Samurah answered without a second thought, "inconsistency, procrastination, piling up lectures or courses, lack of time management - there are many but these are the main when it comes to myself"

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