Chapter6:First time to provincial capital

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Still half asleep, I jumped up when I heard my father say that, grabbed a shovel, and ran towards the mountain.

When I arrived, a crowd of villagers surrounded my grandfather's grave, pointing and discussing. But seeing me, they all stepped aside.

In front of the grave was a large hole, wide enough for a person to fit through. Through the hole, I could clearly see the broken coffin inside, now empty.

"What happened? Where's my grandfather? Where's the snake?"

I asked the crowd, but they all shook their heads.

"We really don't know where your grandfather is," said Third Brother from next door. "When we found it, it was already like this. The python we caught was enormous, as thick as a water tank. We couldn't hold it down, and it escaped."

Hearing Third Brother's words, I felt a rush of blood to my head, and I staggered.

Just as I was about to collapse, a hand caught me.

"Ghost Needle, don't panic!"

A strong voice came from behind. Turning around, I saw a man in his sixties standing there.

"Who are you?"

I didn't know how he knew me, but since he chose this moment to appear, he must be connected to my grandfather.

"I'm an old friend of your grandfather. I came as soon as I heard he passed away, but I was still too late."

The old man said to me, "Cover the grave with some soil first, and I'll explain everything to you later."

My mind was numb, so I did as he said, covering the grave before taking the old man back home.

"I'm sure you have many questions."

The old man said, sipping tea on the sofa.

"I do, but I don't even know where to start."

Seeing my confusion, the old man sighed deeply.

"Ah, I first met your grandfather forty years ago. We were both traveling when we arrived in this village and noticed some issues. We dealt with them together and became good friends, traveling companions."

The old man began.

"Later, we encountered danger. Though we survived, we were severely injured. After that, your grandfather returned to this village, married, and had children, while I went back to my hometown and started a small business."

As the old man recounted, I gradually regained my composure.

"What should I call you?"

I asked, bowing, but the old man waved off the formality.

"Your grandfather called me Ninth Brother, so you can call me Ninth Uncle."

I nodded.

"Ninth Uncle, since you have skills like my grandfather, you must know what happened to him."

I couldn't believe my grandfather was robbed; grave robbers seek treasure, not bodies. I had to find out what really happened to him.

Ninth Uncle hesitated before speaking slowly.

"Sigh, judging by your appearance, you must have inherited your grandfather's skills. Very well, since he chose you, I'll tell you."

"Twenty years ago, a giant python escaped from your grandfather. You know about this, right?"

I nodded.


"That python had become a Python Spirit, but it took the wrong path, harming others to increase its power, violating the natural order. So your grandfather had to stop it."

I nodded for him to continue.

"But your grandfather's actions had consequences. What happened to him was his retribution. More importantly, he had to protect you! You just need to know this much and not ask more."

Ninth Uncle didn't reveal everything, urging me not to ask further, as he wouldn't tell me anyway.

"What should I do now?"

I asked, feeling lost.

"Since your grandfather passed his skills to you, you must take up the responsibility of a snake charmer and fulfill your duties!"

Ninth Uncle patted my shoulder firmly, which felt burdensome.

"I know you're going to the provincial capital for school. My business is there, so come with me. I'll take care of you and protect you, just like your grandfather would. Your parents will also be reassured."

After a series of blows, I could no longer think independently, so I nodded to Ninth Uncle.

"I'll go with you, but I need to pack my things."

I returned to Grandfather's small bedroom, took down the ancestral tablet, placed it in the box he left me, and packed it into my bag.

"What should I do with you? Release you or take you with me?"

I wondered aloud, holding the little red snake. Over the past few days, we had grown close. It didn't bite me no matter how I played with it, just coiled around my hand, watching me.

"I'll take you with me. As a snake charmer, I'm not afraid of having more snakes!"

After packing, I bid farewell to my parents, grandfather, and the village where I had lived for so many years, and left with Ninth Uncle.

After several hours of travel, we finally reached our destination. Despite the previous anxiety and sorrow, I now felt calmer and more at peace.

I had to admit, the provincial capital was crowded, like sardines packed in a can. I was practically pushed out of the train station by the crowd.

"This way!"

Outside the station, Ninth Uncle led me to a taxi, and after a wild ride, we arrived at a place resembling the urban-rural fringe.

"Ninth Uncle, this place is quite similar to my grandfather's home!"

I joked, but Ninth Uncle just chuckled.

"Heh heh, don't be too happy. Your school is just on the next street."

Hearing this, my smile vanished.

"Come, see my little shop."

Ninth Uncle led me into a storefront.

"This is my fortune-telling shop. I offer services like reading fortunes, resolving problems, and so on..."

I found this fascinating. Before coming here, all I knew was how to catch snakes.

But Ninth Uncle shook his head.

"Once you understand snake catching, the rest will come. Your grandfather must have left you notebooks. Study them well, and ask me if you need help."

Ninth Uncle was very generous.

"There are bedrooms and bathrooms upstairs. You'll live here without disturbances. I'll go home."

I nodded and took my suitcase upstairs.

Just as I was about to climb the stairs, I noticed a red paper on Ninth Uncle's altar, with three bold characters written on it.

Python Spirit Altar!

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