Chapter 22: The Modified Incantation

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Jiu's words left me a bit shocked because what he said was completely different from what Akam had told me!

"Jiu, this doesn't seem right."

I recounted everything that had happened and told him what Akam had said. Unexpectedly, Jiu burst into laughter.

"Hahaha! It's great that you kids get along so well!"

Jiu sat down on the sofa and took a sip of his now cold tea.

"Actually, Akam was correct. He told you everything he knew, but he doesn't know everything."

Jiu's cryptic words only made me more curious.

"Jiu, please explain!"

I brewed a fresh pot of tea for Jiu and urged him to continue.

"Back in the day, when Akam's grandfather was still alive, we met once. He told me that he learned the palm incantation by chance. After mastering it, he felt it lacked power, so he blended other incantations into it, creating a new version of the palm incantation. This is what Akam taught you."

Hearing this surprised me. I didn't know that incantations could have improved versions—how fascinating!

"Jiu, can other incantations be modified too?"

I asked excitedly.

"Some can be, but it requires certain methods, which I don't know. You'll need to ask Akam."

Jiu responded honestly.

"Also, the palm incantation is a family secret of the Ni family, never taught to outsiders. Akam must have taught you either because the situation was urgent or because he genuinely considers you a friend."

Jiu took another sip of tea.

"I understand, Jiu. I also feel a strong connection with Akam. He might seem silly, but he's a good and loyal person."

After the battle tonight, I decided to befriend Akam.

Jiu nodded in agreement and suggested I get some rest.

Perhaps due to exhaustion, I fell asleep as soon as I lay down.

I slept soundly and woke up early the next morning. After a shower and getting dressed, I opened the door.

Jiu had brought me breakfast, and after eating, he started teaching me new things like Feng Shui and incantations, which I diligently learned.

Two days later, Ni Rui visited again, this time bringing many gifts and Akam. He continuously thanked me, probably after hearing Akam's description of my bravery that night.

I didn't hold any grudges against Ni Rui, just thought he was a bit foolish, but that wasn't my concern.

"Jiu, you and Mr. Ni probably have things to discuss. Akam and I will go buy some food and drinks."

I found an excuse to take Akam out of the fortune-telling shop, and we headed to a nearby snack street.

"Hey, Ghost Needle, my dad lifted the ban on me. I can use those abilities now!"

Akam said excitedly.


I was happy to hear that. In these dangerous times, having a means to protect oneself is crucial.

"How's your second uncle? And what did your dad do about Ni?"

I asked while buying skewers.

"My second uncle is much better and has found a new immortal bone, so he's recovering well. But my third uncle is still in a coma. The doctors said he might only have a day or two left."

Akam whispered, and I nodded.

This outcome was for the best—evil gets its due.

"Hey, Ghost Needle?"

Just as Akam and I were enjoying our skewers, someone tapped my shoulder, and a familiar voice reached my ears.

"Su Dongling? What are you doing here?"

I stared at Su Dongling in surprise, forgetting to swallow the meat in my mouth.

"I thought you went home."

I mumbled with my mouth full, and she lightly slapped me.

"I didn't go home. I've been here all along. School's about to start, and my campus is nearby. I'm not going anywhere!"

Su Dongling said playfully.

"Is this your friend?"

"Yes, this is my good friend Akam. Akam, this is Su Dongling, a former client of mine."

I introduced them, but Su Dongling pinched me hard.

"Don't say that!"

She glared at me.

"Alright, my friends are waiting. I'll see you at the shop sometime!"

Su Dongling left, and I breathed a sigh of relief.


Akam laughed mischievously.

"What's her story? She seems quite fond of you."

Akam grinned, and I felt helpless.

"Fond of me? I wish she wasn't! Her friend was the girl your second uncle cursed!"

I explained the past incident to Akam. Unexpectedly, this stubborn guy wanted to apologize to the girl on behalf of his second uncle, saying he'd take any punishment without resistance.

I quickly held him back and whispered:

"She's forgotten about it. Don't bring it up. If you want to apologize, I'll arrange a chance later."

Akam finally calmed down after my reassurance.

Just when I thought the matter was settled, Akam suddenly pulled me into a small shop.

"What's going on?"

I looked at Akam in confusion, but he signaled for me to stay quiet.

"See that guy? That's Chen Hu. His family has spirits too, but he's not a good person. He's harmed many girls before."

Akam whispered.

"My dad knows his dad. A few years ago, we went out together, and he tricked some girls. He even asked if I wanted to join. I refused and scolded him, and we've been enemies since."

Hearing this made me furious. This guy was despicable, hurting innocent girls!

Seeing Su Dongling with him worried me. I had to save her! But how?

I racked my brain for a solution while watching Su Dongling walk further away with Chen Hu.

"Got it!"

I slapped my forehead and took out Little Red Snake.

"Go, scare Chen Hu. Don't bite him, and don't get caught! Bring Su Dongling back!"

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