Chapter 20: The Palm Incantation

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I solemnly spoke to Akam, but as soon as I finished, Ni stepped on the wall and climbed straight up to the ceiling, looking at me nervously.

Seeing this left me a bit dumbfounded. Fighting on the ground is one thing, but what's he doing up on the ceiling? I can't fly!

But honestly, that doesn't matter. If  Ni likes looking down at me from above, let him. I have a way to bring him down!

With that thought, I took off the snake tooth pendant from my neck and waved it at Ni.

Ni, who had been looking down at me, suddenly had a complicated expression when he saw the pendant.

"Ni might not recognize this, but you should."

I said in a deep voice:

"This object is here, and you've seen the triangular inscription. Do you still want to resist? The order is for  Ni to die, not necessarily you. But if you insist on protecting  Ni and opposing me, the consequences should be clear to you!"

Hearing this, Ni lowered his head, clearly thinking it over.

I didn't want a fight either. Given the situation, I might not even be able to defeat Ni, and that would be really embarrassing. So I decided that if I could win with words, I'd avoid using force.

I continued speaking to Ni:

"I know you've worked hard to cultivate, and your efforts have paid off. But if you insist on fighting me, no matter who wins, you lose!"

I hoped  Ni's serpent spirit would repent. While it would be punished for its actions, at least it could preserve its life.

However, after some consideration, Old Ni bared his teeth at me, clearly not believing I could subdue him.

This made me quite angry. I had offered him a chance, but he was stubborn. Now, he had only himself to blame!

Seeing Ni's expression, I grasped the snake tooth pendant and began chanting an incantation.

I chanted the snake capturing incantation directly at Ni. This was much easier than catching snakes in the wild.

But every advantage comes with a disadvantage. As I chanted the incantation at  Ni, we weren't at a safe distance. As soon as Old Ni saw me attacking, he pounced towards me!

"Watch out!"

Akam shouted a warning.

But I wasn't just any rookie. Though I might not excel at fighting, I've spent years in the mountains catching snakes and mastering the art of dodging.

I quickly ducked to avoid Old Ni's attack, then used the momentum to stab the snake tooth pendant towards my left hand.


A loud hiss came from  Ni as he fell at my feet.

"Tricks of a petty sorcerer!"

It was my turn to say this, and it felt great to declare it to  Ni.

I kicked  Ni, intending to beat him while he was down, but he wrapped around my leg and climbed onto me!

"Not good!"

I realized I had underestimated him. But  Ni was already injured by the snake tooth, even a small wound was enough.

I targeted  Ni's lower back and tackled him to the ground, continuing to chant the snake capturing incantation in his ear.

"Ah! Ah! Get off me!"

 Ni yelled, rolling on the ground, but I held him down firmly.

"I'll kill you! Hiss! Hiss!"

Old Ni was in a chaotic state. His true self was angered, wanting to fight, but his body was controlled by the serpent spirit, which weakened under my suppression. His true self and the serpent spirit were fighting for control.

This wasn't a good sign!

Thinking quickly, I shouted to Akam:

"Akam, get back!"

The situation could spiral out of control at any moment. I didn't want Akam to get hurt by accident.

Akam moved away but didn't hide. He went to the table and started drawing something.

Soon, Akam raised his head and handed me a piece of paper.

"This is a palm incantation. Draw it on your hand quickly!"

Akam instructed, but I hesitated.

I knew this palm incantation was what Akam used to repel Old Ni earlier. It was powerful, but I wasn't good at drawing.

"Stop hesitating! Just try it!"

Akam urged me while  Ni was about to break free!

In this dire situation, I grabbed the brush Akam handed me and started drawing on my hand.

Maybe it was the urgency or a sudden epiphany, but I managed to draw the palm incantation smoothly.

"Is this right?"

I showed my hand to Akam for confirmation, but he simply said:

"I don't know. Try it!"


I looked at Akam helplessly, thinking he truly lived up to his name!

"Hit him! Hit him!"

Akam gestured for me to slap  Ni. Seeing him so insistent, I gathered my courage and slapped Old Ni hard.


The sharp sound echoed, stinging my ears. Akam was stunned, unsure what to say.

More importantly,  Ni, who had been struggling, stopped and stared at me with blood-red eyes.


I awkwardly apologized to  Ni:

"Uh, you've got snake scales on your face!"

After my slap, a faint pattern of snake scales appeared on  Ni's face, becoming clearer over time.

"I'll kill you!"

Old Ni went berserk hearing this, but having tasted the power of the palm incantation, I wasn't going to let him get up easily.

In a flash, I slapped him twice more!

 Ni was infuriated, thrashing wildly to throw me off, but my weight held him down.

"Little Red Snake, your turn! Dinner's ready!"

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