Am I?

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Hanni's pov:
it's been a month since that talk happened. Apparently, our bond with Minji grew more together. Well, she told me to just call her by her name since she felt old when I called her "Ma'am or Mrs. Kim" even though we just had a small age gap difference lol. She offers me frequent rides to school, and she has been nicer to me. I wasn't used to it, but I was happier than what I expected. I felt like I already had a sister or a best friend.

Turns out we have more in common than what I've thought, we can relate to each other's teas and interests. Well, she usually rants on me regarding her relationship with Mr. Kim was planning to file a divorce for like 7 months from now on and she just needed to talk to her parents. 

"So? How's school?" Minji asked

"Tiring, our professor is literally giving us brutal deadlines. Really tough if you're really a graduating student" I sighed in disbelief

"You should probably rest for now" she said

"Yeah, after I take care of Maeve" I replied

"No, I'll already do everything. I told Isabella to teach her with her homework and had dinner early since she needs to go to school more early tomorrow. And you, you should and rest right away. Nothing to worry about  Hanni." She said

"What?? But??"

"No buts, now go" she said

"Okay fineee" I said and went upstairs.

Minji's pov:

I'm on my way now to the company after dropping off Maeve and Hanni to their own schools. I immediately entered the company and my employees were bowing to greet me.

"Goodmornig Mrs. Kim here's your schedules for today. You'll be having meetings with the Choi Soobin. Owner of the Changnan Hospital. Also, here's your coffee ma'am"

"Okay, assist everything. Thank you"

"Okay ma'am" she bowed and left

I went inside to my office and checked my laptop to see any emails and notifications yet suddenly someone entered to disrupt me.

"Well! Well! Well! Bitch, you can't trick me! You're literally got caught" She proudly yell

"What!? Daniel, it's freaking morning and you're interrupting me" I said while making a visible annoyed reaction

"C'mon, we've grown up together. Can't trick me no more" she said smirkly

"What the fuck you shit horse, straight it up!" I screamly replied, glad my office was sound proof lol. Or else, everyone would literally hearing our bullshitness.

"You're falling for her, as if." She rolled her eyes while drinking my coffee, how thick her face right? Wtf, if only she wasn't my cousin, would literally kicked her face right away.

"What do you mean?? What are you Danielle bitch??? What gotten into you?" I said

"You're not like that Minji, you're freaked HAHAHAHA. You don't drive others but only family members Minji, you always let them ride on your own house driver. What do you expect?? You don't even let someone sit in your front seat car unless it's your family." She said

"What are you talking about? You yap nonsense" Knowing what she means, showing her uninterested facial expression.

"You like her don't you?" She asked seriously

"Shut the fuck up, who are you talking about??" I asked

"Haistttt stop pretending, you're not good at it. Mrs. Kim, who's been weirdly acting because of that Nanny of your child. 'Hanni Pham'." She said

"I don't Kang Haerin, so shut your ass now and leave. Or else I'll kill you. Praying for Haerin to answer Jay park right away" I said

"Ohh c'mon fuck you!!" She said annoyingly and raised her mid finger

"Coward loserrr!!!" Showing my touge out of her

"Well, I can steal her tho" she smirked

"You haven't even confessed gurl, how arrogant you are. You have one of the highest position in this company and haven't even position and rank o her life?? What more loser?? Now Jay is suiting her, where are you at lol?? You've probably left eating dead in Busan trains." I laughed clearly seeing her reactions getting more annoyed

"Okay!! Okayy!! I'll stop, well fuck you. I hope Hanni will find someone else!!" She said slamming the door and I was laughing in victory again

Well... Aside from that, was I really interested??... Or is it just really casual?
Can't think straightly because of that stupid shit. Nevermind.

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