Blue day

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Minji's pov:

As I was tapping my laptop, a notification rang from my phone and went to check it if someone messaged me.

Auntie Aussie 👩‍🏫:

Hello, Minji sweety. Dani will not be able to go to work again. I don't know what's happening with this cousin of yours. I have classes to teach and I've been concerned about her. She's been this for five days straight. She doesn't go out to her room and is always at the bar lately.
By any chance, do you know something about this? It was unusual for me also since she tends to speak up her problems to me always, and now she hasn't even talked to me normally. She just go out, then home drunk. Sorry for the distruption Minji, I was hoping for you to talk with her if ever there's time.


Okay auntie, I'll handle it. Thank you for informing me. I'm on my way.

Auntie Aussie 👩‍🏫:

Okay, take care sweety.

I immediately hang down my phone and told my secretary to cancel all my activities for today's day. I drove as fast as I can, I knew it was unusual. She wasn't coming for days and I thought it was just technical business but if she wouldn't be able to go to work, she usually just update me. But for the past 5 days, I thought she was busy so I thought it was normal. I arrived at their house, and saw Auntie going in to their car.

"Auntie!" I called her and bowed

"Hey sweety, you just arrived at time. Dani is in her room, she hasn't eaten properly for days. I can't approach her clearly, she had been avoiding it. I'm sorry for the disturbance honey, I was really busy also" she said reassuring me

"No auntie it's okay, you're like my second mom since kid and it was pleasure to help Dani with this kind of conflict she might be facing" I said

"Glad we raised you well, now I have to go thank you so much honey" she said

"No worries auntie, careful!" I hugged her and went inside their house

"Yahh!! Danielle!! Bitch!! Open this door now!! You have so much work!!" I knocked aggressively which I did not get any responses

"Heyy!! I'll count on 10, if you don't open this. I'll kick it right away!!"
I yelled

No response...
That's when I started to get worried, cause even she has a problem and like this, she opens it right away and being all annoyed on me right now. I felt the energy was really off right now. So, I tried it again.

"Hey Dani, it's Minji your idiot cousin.
Can you open it for me? Y'know you can talk to me, we're buddies remember?? I'll be her, just like you were there for me. Now, open this door I'm feeling a bit dramatic in here..." Suddenly...

"What???!!! I'm sleeping, you're disturbing me. Such a headache you cow" she opened the door and went back to her bed.

Her room was a mess bruh, I realized how sucked this one looks. Cause even if she's messed, but her room wouldn't be. She won't let that slide because of her OCD trippin lol.

"Messy room, alcohol scented, isolation and ghosting phase. What's gotten into you??" I asked sitting at her bed, yet I didn't get any reply

"Danni" I said seriously and strict aura

"Hmmm??" She said clearly annoyed while she's closing her eyes

"Straight it to me, what's the cause? This one looks massive. As if I wouldn't know you, we've been literally together since ages and now?? You're hiding it? You can't run away from me... What Are you? A rat?? Prob yeah... You're coward as shi-" I was interrupted when she said something

"Yeah, you're right. I'm coward... Cause Jay and Haerin are now together. Happy." She said, facong back at me

"Oh... Sh-shitsss, she hadn't mentioned that..???? I'm her best friend and what?? Are you sure???" I asked

"Yes, I've witnessed all of their cutesy cutesy confession and then boom, infront of me they were now together. She's happy Minji, hahaha. Y'know I can't ruin it, she's happy with him" she said when I heard sniffles

"You crying???!" I asked making her faced to me

"Shut the fuck up, you're no help!!" She said

"This is all cringe but nevermind" I said and hugged her until she cried and was sobbing so much.

"Know what? Let's go to our hideout, I'll drive" I said

"Fuck you Minji, you have works to do. Stop worrying about me" she said

"I cancelled it all, you have nothing to worry. You matter the most, disgusting but shit I don't care. Now let's go you dramatic ass!!" I said dragging her out in her room

We went downstairs, and hop in to the car. Before we proceed to our hideout, we made sure to stop by to a convenient store to buy some essentials. And after minutes of driving, we have arrived here at this peaceful place. Foggy, full of trees and a perfect for bonfire.

"Niceeeee" I said and looked at her, clearly she was emotional, puffy and red eyes. Kinda felt bad. So, I made a way.

"Y'know Dani, you're too close yet so far... You didn't took the chances you were able to grab, but because of you and your fear. You can't have her... It's all the matter of fighting danni, I've said it to you before 'you wouldn't know unless you try' you haven't even try yet you're backing off. We only regret the chances we didn't take" I said and looked at her with all smile in pain and broken. She stand near the cliff.

"So now, Shout it! Now Dani!! Say what you wanna say!! I yelled at her

"Fuckk everything!!!! I was niced to you!! I did everything, I hate myself!!! For being a loser!! Why can't I have her?? I always been there even if we weren't knowing facts to each other but I've know you more better than me. Why???!!!! I wish I did it sooner!! I wish I was more courageous, was more braver!! And more risk taker!! All of those what if's turn into the fantasies...
All I did was to love her, for years hahaha. All of the things I wishes to have, but you're the one who is impossible for me to have. I love you so much and you weren't able to catch even a glance, a bit of my signals!! Fuckk!! How hard is it to see?? Wasn't obvious???!! Or really?? You're weren't just looking at me because you're focusing on someone else who isn't me?? C'mon!! Was it hard to be seen?? It hurts me a lot you know!! Just for once, look after me the way I looked at you..."
She cried and suddenly, the rain poured with her she scream more and heard the broken tune of her. So, I went immediately her and hugged it. Didn't mind being soaked, let's be blue for today.

She had been admiring Haerin since we were highschool, I remembered how delusional and happy she was with it.
Knowing the fact that she can't easily moved on to her since Haerin and Danielle weren't just a sort of Secretary and boss, and wasn't just my Best friend and a cousin. They had built connections before that was way more than a boss and secretary.

In fact, Danielle and Haerin was best friends during highschool. But because of Danielle feelings for her, that grew and she decided to just be away from her rather than falling more for her. That's when their friendship started to lossen up also. Haerin became my bff, and she had ranted to me also about that. She was confused about how their friendship went apart. She hasn't heard Danielle side why they became just like that, awkward. Since now that Haerin is working with Danielle, their relationship went into casual and wasn't awkward at all. Danielle told me that her feelings were way more stronger, even after avoiding for 4 years. And until now, it's been 7 years since she had secretly admiring her USED TO BE BEST FRIEND.

Now that I hold the both of them, I heard both sides wherein I knew the WHY's & HOW's. It's not my story to tell for the both of them, but it is their story to say and I will listen to it.

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