Chapter 13: Let's Do What We Do Best

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13장 최선을 다하자
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・°◇° *・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Jungkook had a nagging urge to pinch himself. This cannot be real. The wave of electricity shooting through his body must be his delusions at play. The pillowy plum lips pressed on his lip must be a figment of his wildest imagination. If it's imagination then would it hurt to play along? It won't right? After all none of it is real.

As if testing the waters, Jungkook closing his eyes moved his lips slowly and softly. Gently and with a bit of fear, he sucked the pillowy softness. Taehyung who hadn't expected such a response froze in his place. Sensing no hint of struggle, Jungkook glided his hands around the other's waist. He rested them on the small of Taehyung's back. Still no struggle. Interesting! Getting a bit daring, he tilted his head and divulged deeper, sucking and biting the unmoving lips.

Taehyung's eyes shot open, realisation settling upon him. The prince was kissing him. Closing his eyes again, Taehyung scaredly but with anticipation relished the sweet torture on his lips. Enjoying the pleasantly unsettling sensation in his tummy, he hesitantly moved his lips, trying to follow what the handsome prince was doing to him.

That was all it took for Jungkook to assertively wrap his around the waist like a python and pull the tempting body flush against him. Taehyung's hesitant, meek movements were not ready for the beast he had set loose.

Jungkook rapidly moved his lips, chewing the marvellous treat in between, forcing Taehyung to move along. Before he could unleash his full wrath on those lips, the huge doors of the basement cracked open with a loud creak.

"Who's there?" the intruder inquired seeing the silhouettes of two bodies pressed up against cold damp walls. The intruder flashed his kerosene light on the silhouettes.

"Jungkook... is that you?" the intruder asked smelling the pheromones and recognising them.

Startled, Taehyung broke the kiss and pushed the alpha away from his lips, whose grip on his waist was unforgiving. Craning his neck back, Taehyung's frightened eyes looked for the intruder. While Jungkook with ragged breathing and eyes hooded with lust stood still, stared down in a daze.

The intruder snorted catching the couple in the act. "Ha! You sneaky bastard! You could have asked! I would have given you the keys. Anyway, I'll let you finish what you started. Word of advice, just be quick. The night manager is running a bit late, but he could be here anytime. And, trust me you don't want him catching you. I speak from personal experience," the beta at the reception desk chuckled before closing the door and retreating to his boring desk job. "Dang it! Now I miss my wife!" The beta groaned stomping his way up the stairs.

Cheeks pink and breath laboured, and eyes blown wide with the realisation of what they did, Taehyung meekly and awkwardly tried to pry himself from the alpha's suffocatingly pleasant hold.

However, he was swung and pushed against the wall. The alpha and the omega had switched positions. Like a deer caught in the headlights, Taehyung watched the alpha with his dark blood-red eyes, hooded with lust, closing on him with menacingly slow steps.

"He... he left," Taehyung squeaked in a high-pitched voice, hugging the ledgers close, using them to shield his body.

"You heard the guy. He said to finish what you started," Jungkook huskily stated, placing his palms on the wall and trapping the flustered omega between him and the wall.

Jungkook's right palm on the wall flew to cup his left cheek. Tapping Taehyung's joined feet with his foot, he pried the legs apart. Sliding his left leg in between the space he created he inched closer. With their bellies pressed against each other with only a molecule of a gap left, the ledgers fought for their space.

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