i am luck

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2 weeks later

emi opens her eyes, darkness. thats all she saw, pure darkness. emi extends her arms, trying to stretch them, failing to do so as she felt this slimy thing around her. w-what the hell?!? where am i?!? she thinks, trying to find her way out of whatever cage she was in. panicking, she begins punching whatever was blocking her hands, eventually puncturing a hole. she smiles happily, grabbing the hole from each side and stretching it until she could fit through it. once she crawls out of her cage, she looks back at it, wondering what it was. "what the fuck?" she whispers, seeing it was a big cocoon. she looks around...she was it her and kaito's room? what the hell happened? she tries to jog her memory, going over what she remembered.

she was at usj, villains had attacked, she beat a fire giant, and then flew down to save tsu- she gasps. HER WINGS!!? she glances back, eyes widening. THERE THEY WERE!! all wet and slimy and gooey and gross. emi visibly gags, they looked absolutely disgusting...horrendous even, but they were back!! which meant kaito's quirk had worked. she looks around their room, noticing kaito wasn't there, her phone was on her bed, and their room was fairly clean. she picks her phone up and checks the date and time, it was thursday 12pm, she sighs looking blankly at the wall in front of her....


minutes later, emi was out the shower, dressed and ready to go. she looks back at her wings, they were still coated in a slimy slick, but looked more put together...other than the fact that they were still drooping down. definitely not suitable for flying. she rolls her eyes, guess she'd be walking today, she grabs her belongings and rushes out the orphanage. emi hadnt been to school in at least a week, she was nervous for her classmates reactions, wondering if she had somehow been un-enrolled for all of a sudden disappearing. she wonders how her teachers were doing, how they were after the usj attack, how well midoriya recovered, what everyone's thoughts were.

- - -

to say her classmates were excited to see her was an understatement...

emi walked through the gates and entrance doors confidently, taking small slow steps towards class 1a. she stops in front of the door, staring at it blankly, suddenly feeling nervous. what if she was for some reason no longer liked? emi scoffs, she hadnt even been this nervous the first day of school!! she takes a deep breathe, opening the door and strutting in. "TAKAHASHI?!?" her class screams, shocked to see the girl. "hi?" emi waves, a small smile on her face. class 1a explodes in cheers, some of the girls, along with kaminari, getting up to hug her. "where have you been?!" "we havent seen you since the usj incident" "what happened to you?!" the class bombards her with questions, making aizawa step in. "settle down! while we're all glad to see takahashi is okay, this isnt the right time to ask questions, save them for later. takahashi, take a seat"

the girl nodded, walking down the isle to her seat, smiling as kirishima fist bumps her with a big smile.

emi had now only been at school for 3 hours, and she learned quite a bit of information. for starters, the main villains who attacked them at usj still weren't caught, along with the usj incident, class 1a had become a bit popular around the school...but not for the right reasons. apparently, her class would get bad looks, whispers being heard when one of them entered a room/passed by. emi called bullshit. it wasnt their fault they got attacked, its not like they were begging to come face to face with villains. oh and the annual u.a sports festival was right around the corner, around a week away - which honestly made emi fume, she had very little training time.

as the clock hit 3:20, it was time to head home.

uraraka opens the door, happy to go home, but couldn't as a huge crowd was formed outside the classroom. "what the fuck" emi mumbles, she was sat on kaminari's desk, short legs dangling, leaning her head on to kirishima, watching as her fellow classmates interact with the crowd outside. "man hashi, it feels so good to have you back!" "i know we met only a couple days ago, yet these past 2 weeks didn't feel the same without you", emi smiles at the boys, sure they had known each other for 2 days, yet they already felt like life friends. "feels good to be back! i didn't realize i was our for 2 weeks...wonder how kaito did" "apparently great, kept on throwing socks at you" kirishima replies, the trio staring at the purple headed boy who began to say stuff to bakugou. "eh!?" emi quirks an eyebrow up, "how do you know?" she questions, poking kirishima's side. "well, the day after usj, the school gave us the day off. i was at the arcade with a one of my cousins whose family had come to visit, when i noticed kaito and a couple of his classmates. long story short, we ended up exchanging numbers. eventually he told me what happened to you, asking me not to tell anyone" kirishima shrugs, surprising emi.  "so you're telling me, my little brother got my friends number before i did!?" kirishima laughs, "seems like it" "ugh stupid kaito. lemme see your phone, you should have both takahashi's available."

"-scouting the competition. maybe some of my peers are, but im here to let you know if you don't bring your very best i'll steal your spot right from under you. consider yourself a declaration of war", emi side eyes purple cabbage head over there. emi was gonna say something back, just out of spite when suddenly- "HEY YOU! i'm from class 1b next door to you! we heard you fought some villains, and i came to see if that was true! but you seem like a bunch of brats who think they're better than us! talk all you want it'll just be more embarrassing when you get k.o'd! dont ignore me!" a silver headed boy yells, watching as bakugou struts off.
"hey where're you going!? you gotta say something man! its your fault they're all hating on us bakugou!" kirishima exclaims, walking towards the door. "ack!" emi exclaims, falling off the desk, "what the heck man" she pouts, seems like her ketchup friend forgot she was leaning on him.

bakugou stops in his tracks, turning around, "these people dont matter, the only thing thats important is that i beat them" he says, turning back around and making his way through the sea of people. emi stares at kirishima, watching as he claims bakugou's exit was 'so manly', she watches her classmates complain, mineta claiming everyone would be going after them specifically during the festival. "oh shut up grape boy, having everyone go after us isnt such a bad thing, we'll get to kick some ass and show the pro's just how capable we are" emi says with an eye roll, slinging her backpack on. "easy for you to say miss 10 quirks in one" kaminari whines, emi smacking his shoulder a bit. "what difference does it make? i could have 50 quirks yet i'd still need to show people what i can do."

emi waves bye to her classmates, stopping in front of the purple haired boy who 'claimed war' with class 1a. she looks up a him, narrowing her eyes, "challenge accepted. good luck" the boy rolls his eyes, "i should be saying that to you-" "oh trust me, i dont need luck. i am luck"

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