rock paper scissors

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"you! are you a student of all might!?"

emi side eyes the reporter. she was in front of u.a, adding a couple flowers to the grass because flowers make everything better, when this woman holding a microphone and a crew of cameramen came up to her. "excuse me?" "how is all might as a teacher!?!" the woman asks, shoving the microphone in front of her face. "woah lady, back off" emi replies, tone a bit annoyed, "you! are you one of all mights students?!" the lady asks the boy walking past emi. "hey! arent you that sludge villain kid!?" "walk away." the spiky haired boy replies, glaring at the woman. "jeez, i wonder how the pro's deal with so many reporters, right" emi asks bakugou, sending him a warm smile. "uh huh", he pays her no mind, continuing to walk towards the school's entrance door.

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"decent work on yesterdays combat training guys, i saw the videos and went over each of your teams results. bakugou, you're talented, so dont act like a kid, okay?" "yeah whatever" bakugou huffs out, looking at the wall next to him. "midoriya, i see the only way you attacked was buy messing up your arm again, work harder, and dont give me the excuse that you dont have control over your quirk, that lines already getting old. you cant keep breaking your body while training here, your quirk can be really useful if you can get a grip on it"

emi quickly zones off, aizawa's voice was so nap time coded, she couldn't help but blink slowly while staring at him. she's quick to jump in her seat when multiple of her classmates jump up, claiming they should pick them. "whats going on?" she wonders out loud, "we're supposed to pick a class representative" midoriya answers her question, not sparing her a glance. "oh, i say iida" she mumbles, said boy springing up from his seat and suggesting the class votes.

they ultimately end up going with that idea, all quickly writing down who they want as class representative and dropping the piece of paper inside the leaf bowl emi had made. 5 minutes later, emi had tallied all the votes, revealing both her and midoriya had gotten 3 votes. "a tie.." she mumbles with a small shoulder shrug. "decide who will be who" aizawa's voice is heard, "oh! u-um you should be class rep! you can control your quirk better after all.." midoriya says, offering the role to emi. "nah. rock paper scissors for it"

after a small game of rock paper scissors, midoriya was class representative while emi was deputy class representative.

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"i am so giving this deputy class rep thing to yaoyorozu after lunch" emi announces, inhaling her rice. "what! whyyyy" kaminari asks, munching down his own food. "dunno, dont think im cut out to lead. anyways, imma go grow some more flowers out in the front before lunch is over. see you guys in class!!" emi exclaims, exiting the cafeteria and making her way down to the entrance.

she got about 2 sunflowers in when suddenly an alarm goes off, a huge press mob swarming the front of u.a, the barrier gates turned yo dust? "what the fuck?" "YOU! HOW IS LIKE TO BE WORKING WITH ALL MIGHT!?" she's immediately swarmed by camera's, flashing lights temporarily blinding her. someone even manages to wrap an arm around her, emi immediately stiffening. "woah! i told you earlier to back off. so back the fuck off, jeez" emi replies, not hesitating to fly towards the schools doors, noticing 2 of her teachers were there. "go back inside, head to class while you're add it, i'll be there when the police arrive" aizawa instructs, emi nodding and opening the doors slightly, slipping through and walking to class 1a.

around 10 minutes later, everything had settled down and class had resumed, both her and midoriya standing up in the front of the class. "its time class rep. lets begin" "um! we need to figure out who the other class officers will be" midoriya announces, shaking nonstop. "cool, so before we do that, i wanna say something" emi begins, stretching her arms up, "im giving up my position as deputy, i think yaoyorozu should be it" "yeah! i was thinking iida would be a better class rep!" midoriya adds, both iida and yaoyorozu standing up, gladly accepting the roles.

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