A Safe, Dark Corner

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People everywhere are screaming.

I push Alula behind me, keeping myself between her and the castle. Despite the constant rainfall the last few days, such an impact upon the ground caused small debris and dirt to become suspended in the air. A great cloud of brown protrudes from the back of the castle, a looming cloud of unknown material likely impeding vision for anyone within it.

Guests are flocking for the front gate, ridiculous frocks flowing behind them as they yell for their carriages to be brought forth. The small number of Guards posted outside are running toward the castle, swords drawn and faces gaunt. Bodies masked and dressed in all black flood into the courtyard from the front gate, pushing the revelers back towards the altar. Some are forest creatures, poking fun at the gentle nature of the deer and elk, and the rest are unnatural humanoid masks. With the explosion from one side and the armed people on the other, I can't decide which side to shove Alula to.

"The Queen! The Queen!" A man shouts, causing a crowd of Guards to leave the fight to form a defensive circle around Her Majesty. They try to move her into the castle, but then start arguing amongst themselves about where is safest for her.

The masked people are terrorizing anyone they encounter. Some are storming into the castle behind the revelers, leaving everyone inside vulnerable too. None of the people present today would have come prepared to fight, if they even know how. The small number of Guards will surely fall.

Alula's nails are digging into my arm as I keep her pinned her behind me. "I'm okay!" She reassures me over the noise. My best chance of keeping her safe is just to not draw attention- it's unlikely she is armed beneath her gown.

A small flicker of pride comes to life in my chest as I realize these attackers must be rebels. Attacking during the wedding is a surefire way to cause mass chaos and fear- today they are finally making their move. A group of them have broken off and are headed toward Alula and I, but I know they will recognize me and won't attack.

They won't recognize Alula as Widow. She is only second to the Queen as a perfect prize for the revolution.

"Shit." I say, turning from the advancing group. I keep Alula in front of me as I push her forward, hoping to scale the nearby wall before the rebels reach us. We have a greater chance of getting somewhere safe in the woods than trying the castle or the gate. The long train of fabric behind her trips me, my weight upon it also causing her to stumble. I reach down with my single dagger and cut into the layers of fabric, trying to give her some freedom of movement. I should have known better than to only hide one weapon on my person- I wrongfully assumed that Gorman would have warned me about any possible threats today. Prick. Are my men among them?

Alula doesn't miss a beat in trying to climb the wall, but the idiotic shoes she wears aren't helping. She kicks them off and tries again, but a quick cast over my shoulder shows the group closing in quicker than I thought they would. The distance between the main gate and the altar was large, but not far enough for us to take our time.

"Damnit." I let out, scooping Alula under her thighs and thrusting her upward enough that she gets her fingers over the edge of the wall. She quickly hoists herself up with ease, digging into the stacked rocks with her bare feet. Before dropping to the other side, she straddles the top of the wall, a loud rip sounding from her dress hem. Anchoring herself with one hand, she leans down toward me with the other.

"Hurry, you idiot!" She yells, waving the extended hand at me. I almost laugh at the stupidity of her trying to wait for me, trying to save me when I am trying to protect her. I take a few steps backward to get a running start and jump, using the momentum to grab onto the wall with one hand and onto her with the other. She leans with her entire weight to offset me, giving me the exact leverage I need to reach the top.

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