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A few minutes later Connor walked into my room. "Baby?" He asked as he sat down and held my hand. I couldn't even look at him. "Baby, i'm not mad, or upset, I just want you to promise you're alright now" His voice was breaking, i could tell he was upset. "I'm fine now, I promise" I said shyly. "When did you do it?" He asked, he was quiet and trying not to upset me. "A month ago" I said quietly. He seemed surprised, I thought he was mad but he just pulled me into a hug. We stayed silent and just sat there together, we fell asleep in each others arms*****I woke up that morning with Connors arms wrapped around my waist. My skinny waist. I was practically half the size of connor. He was 6'0, I'm only 5'9. "He's muscular, I'm not," I said to myself. I carefully got up and walked to the kitchen. I made some toast and eggs. Two slices of toast, and two eggs, twice the amount I usually eat.I sat down and started eating, I got to the last egg and 3 bites of toast as I started to get nauseous. I pushed past it and ate the last of my food. I felt sick and like my stomach was gonna pop. I heard Connor walk out of my room. "Good morning baby" He said as he walked over and kissed the side of my forehead. "Morning Connie" I said, putting a fake smile on my face. "We better get ready for school" Connor said with a smile. He walked into his room and I walked into mine. I put on the school uniform, the sick feeling in my stomach got a bit better. I walked out of my room after Connor. His jacket was gone, he must have left already. That was weird, he usually left after me. The first two classes went fine, my stomach felt better. I walked into the gym, the stench of sweat made me nauseous again. I sat down on the bleachers. I started scanning the gym for Connor. He wasn't there yet. He walked in a few minutes after the bell rang. He wasn't ever late to P.E. The coach started chewing him out for being late. It made my stomach feel worse to see Connor getting yelled at. He looked sad, but not from the coach, from something else. When the coach was done yelling, Connor just walked over to me, not saying a word. "Hey Connor" I said, putting on my best attempt at a smile. "Hey" He said, his face was blank and he was just staring at the floor. "What's wrong?" I asked. After a minute of hesitation he spoke. "Nothing, I don't want to talk about it". With that he stood up and walked over to the drinking fountain. Seeing him upset finally pushed my stomach over the edge. I started gagging, I quickly covered my mouth and ran out of the gym. I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I tried to stop myself from vomiting but I couldn't. After a few minutes I walked out of the stall and started washing myself off. My lips and chin were covered. It was disgusting. I heard the door swing open and I saw Connor walk in. "Are you alright?" He asked, he looked worried. I nodded. I felt like if I opened my mouth I would puke again. "Did you eat today?" he asked. I nodded again. "I think I ate too much" I said, trying not to hurl again."I'm sorry baby" He said as he walked over and hugged me tightly. "For what?" I asked. He looked down at me with tears in his eyes. "I heard what you said this morning" His voice broke as a tear fell down his cheek. I wiped the tear from his cheek with my thumb, I didn't know how to respond.

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