Blinded by Love

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Andromeda was sitting at the table, twiddling her fingers longingly, having nothing but Ted on her mind. She loved him. He was kind, sensible and the best person she had met, considering that Andromeda hardly felt much love or care throughout her entire life. Her parents never really loved her or her sisters. The only thing that they cared about was them carrying out respectable pure-blood marriages to retain the magical bloodline and do all things to support the discrimination of Muggles and Muggle-borns. Nothing else mattered to them - at all. She looked at her engagement ring longingly. On the other hand, she wasn't exactly sure if the marriage would even happen. They were in the middle of a war, which was in full swing. People were murdered every single day. People were injured, tortured, imprisoned and kidnapped every minute. And yet nothing could be done about it - because of the Dark Lord. He was this invincible, super human who came out of nowhere. He and all his followers avoided capture from the authorities and committing uncountable crimes. And this would continue. For how long, nobody knew. Not much was known about the Dark Lord, his origins, his background, his family, how he got to power and where he was hiding. His operations were so high-profile but yet nobody could catch the invincible Dark Lord, whose name everyone feared to speak. In fact, not even his followers, whom he called Death Eaters, were able to be captured, or even traced. They were out there, killing, torturing and kidnapping people, whether wizards, Muggles or magical creatures. The next moment, they would have vanished, not a single trace of them or the people they had harmed. Nothing like this had ever, ever happened before. How long would it last? Would the entire population die out except for the Dark Lord and his most loyal followers. Andromeda bit her lip. She only hoped not. Andromeda, along with all the other members of the Black family, lived in 12, Grimmauld Place, which was concealed from their Muggle neighbours who lived next door. Her room was small, but she liked it quite a lot. When Andromeda first entered her room, it was filled with portraits of various dark wizards and witches, like Gellert Grindelwald. Grindelwald had supported the removal of the International Statue of Secrecy and wanted wizards to rule over Muggles. Andromeda's parents were very fond of his campaigning and were now supportive of the Dark Lord.

Suddenly, she heard someone knocking on the door. Andromeda swung it open, expecting it to be her mother coming in to give her another boring and unbearable lecture on the importance of blood purity. But it was her younger sister, Narcissa. Narcissa was the only immediate family member that truly loved and cared for her. Her other sister, Bellatrix, at least used to care for her, but according to Narcissa, she had been involved in some Death Eater business recently and obviously had paid no attention to her family at all. Bellatrix was often away from home, claiming that she was on a secret mission. She had gotten rather crazy and had an emotional range of a teaspoon. Both Andromeda and Narcissa didn't have much idea what she really had been up to, except for the fact that she had been involved with a man named Rodolphus Lestrange, who was a known Death Eater, and Andromeda and Narcissa highly suspected her of being a Death Eater herself. Narcissa came in bouncing, her blonde hair flying. She looked like she had never been so excited before. "I can't believe this!" she cried, happily, running over to sit next to Andromeda. "Lucius agreed to go out with me!" "Oh, that's great," said Andromeda, still feeling rather distracted.

"Are you okay?" asked Narcissa, looking concerned. "You seemed to have been a little quiet lately." "Oh, it's nothing," Andromeda shrugged. Then she was deep in thought. If she told Narcissa, would she become a snarling witch who would never forgive her for what she did and kick her out instantly, for being engaged to a Muggle-born? Narcissa never thought very much of Muggle-borns, just like her family. She believed that they were scum and were inferior to pure-blood witches and wizards. But was that really true? Andromeda knew of some very powerful Muggle-born witches and wizards. She had heard of a girl called Lily Evans who was a few years younger than her and was an exceptional student. Andromeda took a deep breath, clutching her fingers tightly. Was she going to tell her sister that she was 15 weeks pregnant with a half-blood daughter? What would she say? There were only two possible outcomes - she would either be happy, smiling and willing to accept it, or angry, raged and not happy about her actions.

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