Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to Ren-Eliza, the second to support my book, Art of Surviving. You've officially confirmed that being second is just as heroic as being first!

"No." I gave the strange creatures in front of me a sardonic smile.

Some looked like nymphs and tree spirits, but there was a dull spark around them. I sensed dark magic within, but none of them seemed like sorcerers. Nymphs and tree spirits are bound to nature, and dark magic and nature don't mix well. So, I was certain I was the only one in this room possessing it. What I knew for sure was that these creatures were on the prick's side. They might be scheming for my death, but if I could find what was wrong with them, I could use that weakness against them. How to achieve that, I didn't know yet. For now, I just had to stay intact.

"We will guarantee your freedom if you agree, and there's something you need to—" Before he could finish, I cut him off and looked up, meeting the deep green eyes of a tree spirit who had spoken. He looked like a descendant. The only difference was his head, long gnarled sprouts adorned with leaves and flowers. His hair was a cascade of vines and tendrils.

"How generous of you to offer that. After your master tried to kill and abduct me, you expect me to work with you on a task I don't even know about? How ridiculous."

I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall made of intertwined roots and earthy stone. The room was comfortably dark, almost lulling me to sleep. I closed my eyes in exhaustion.

I heard everyone's controlled sighs. I opened my eyes and raised an eyebrow at them. "So, are you going to let me go already?"

The female nymph, with green, wavy hair cascading down to her feet, stepped in front of me, kneeling even. Her wide, expressive eyes changed colors every minute as she stared at me pleadingly. "It is not our duty to explain that to you. Talin will explain it once he returns, but we assure you that what you will do is within your expertise. We need the help of a witch like you—"

"I prefer to be called a sorcerer."

I rose from the dusty floor and started walking past them. Unbelievably, they gave way. No one dared to stop me. I assumed they were letting me go, but my happiness was short-lived. As I took another step, I bumped into an invisible barrier that shone bright green upon contact with my skin. It felt like a hard wall, yet I could see nothing once the light faded. I tried again to push through, but to no avail.

"Your brother will be abducted."

I turned back to the nymph. "And you think you can fool me?" I challenged, though my heart was pounding loudly in my chest.

"I wish we were jesting."

I thought of my brother, a descendant of Astra, the Keeper of celestial bodies. He was always fond of the stars, once asking me if he could become one, completely unaware of what he was wishing for. I scolded him the entire day.

"How unfortunate to disappoint you, but he is sheltered and safe in the Kingdom of Astra."

Luke lived with me and our older brother, Kalid, but he spent most of his time inside the Kingdom studying. Children across the realm, ages ten and below, were required to study magic formally, and teenagers aged eighteen to twenty-one were trained to use their magic for political roles. Sure, they could practice at home, but the Terrestrial Council required formal training to ensure that magic wasn't used against the rulers.

It was a wise and somehow selfish way, but I couldn't deny that Luke had improved a great deal since he joined.

In terms of security, schools were heavily guarded. Outsiders, descendants from other kingdoms, were not welcome, except for me, who magicked a guard to let me in and forget about me. So, I couldn't think of a way for Luke to be kidnapped.

He also might be innocent yet wise. No one could abduct him by fooling him unless they used force.

"You are not sure of that."

"I am. Besides, what would they do to someone as young as him?" My heart thumped as I realized something. I gripped the fabric of my dress. I might be fooling myself. Of course, the abductor would have a great use for Luke. He was gifted with the ability to see prophetic glimpses of the future. The person who abducted him needed his gift for something dangerous. If that was true, I couldn't trust these people. Trusting them might bring more harm to Luke than good. Moreover, I would never work for them, knowing who was leading them. They might have more evil agendas for Luke, knowing he knew him. I couldn't bring myself to participate in such. I maintained my composure.

I stared at each of them, observing them with keen eyes. Whatever they might say, I could protect Luke without striking a dangerous deal with them, especially with the help of Kalid, who might be on his way to save me right now.

"Thank you for the generous offer, but I am afraid I must decline, especially if it comes from a group that looks like a rebellion. Now please, let me go. I do not want to waste time."

The nymph drew a sharp breath. "We are not... Talin would not be pleased."

"Let him die in anger," I smiled at her. Her eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe I was brave enough to say that in their territory.

"Escort her," her companion agreed with an irritated look.

The nymph sighed before stepping closer to me and using her power to break whatever ward had prevented me from walking out earlier.

Suddenly, I was in another location. I looked back but couldn't see where we had come from.

The nymph released a long sigh again. "In case you change your mind, call us. Call the land and you will be answered."

I turned to her. At some point, she looked kinder than her companions, but I stopped myself from being deceived and just smiled courteously. "Thank you."

She nodded and smiled back before walking into a thick cloud of fog in the forest. I watched her until I couldn't see her anymore and then started walking home, trying to quell the rising uneasiness in my system that grew with each passing minute.

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