Chapter 10: Summer of Distance

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The summer after the battle at the Department of Mysteries was a difficult one for Harry and Cassiopeia. They were separated by the demands of their respective families, and the distance between them felt like a physical ache.

Harry spent the summer at the Burrow with the Weasleys, surrounded by friends and family who did their best to lift his spirits. But he couldn't stop thinking about Cassiopeia. He missed her presence, her laughter, and the way she made him feel understood and loved.

Cassiopeia, on the other hand, was confined to Malfoy Manor, under the watchful eye of her father. Lucius was furious with her for defying him during the battle, and he made it clear that he expected her to fall in line.

Despite the distance and the challenges they faced, Harry and Cassiopeia found ways to stay connected. They exchanged letters, pouring their hearts out to each other and sharing their hopes and fears. Each letter was a lifeline, a reminder that they were not alone.

One evening, as Harry sat by the window of his bedroom at the Burrow, he received a letter from Cassiopeia. He tore it open eagerly, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"Dear Harry,

I miss you more than words can express. This summer has been difficult, but knowing that you're out there, thinking of me, gives me strength. I can't wait to see you again, to hold you and tell you how much I love you.

Please be careful and stay safe. I know that we'll be together soon, and until then, I'll hold onto the hope that our love will see us through.

Yours always,


Harry clutched the letter to his chest, feeling a mixture of joy and sorrow. He knew that their journey would be difficult, but he was determined to find a way to be with Cassiopeia, no matter what.

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