"He's great, isn't he?" Flit says, right next to you.

Pathway's former sidekick's change is almost as impressive as Lil Biggie's, with the difference that change is Flit's natural state. They now wear an aviator jacket patched with flags from over a dozen different countries and a black-and-white checkered scarf hanging loosely from their neck. Their hair is tinted in bright gold and cut to shoulder length, and a hint of soft makeup delineates their eyes.

From looks and interests to gender presentation, Flit is never the same for too long. Capable of teleporting to any place on the globe they've already been to and familiar with most cultures and places, they consider themself a citizen of the world, pledging their allegiance not to a single country or organization but to humanity itself.

Wherever there is trouble, there they want to be.

"Sawyer? What are you doing here?" I ask, before anything else.
"He's got talent, I'll give him that."
"He's definitely better at being a rapper than being a superhero."
"The Omega Responders were 'great.' Lil Biggie is just marketing his powers for money and fame."
"He's not quite 'great' just yet. Wait a few minutes and you'll see what I mean."

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