He's Mine - 3

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Drake POV- Mr. Peanut butter and rain
I loathed school, always had. Now I was forced to come back. "And why, again couldn't you drive yourself here?" I asked my younger brother Luke. Luke was the very different from me. His facial features, we both shared our dad's but his were a bit softer like our mom. He also was about 6 inches shorter than me with barely an ounce of muscle on him. Another thing he inherited from our mother was ginger hair.
"Because I failed my drivers test again now let me out!" I laughed, I always forgot that he sucks at driving. I unlocked the doors and we both got out. I also had to get him his schedule and all that. Then I just wanted to go back to sleep! I walked into the office and actually smiled as I saw the same ancient old lady behind the desk as when I was at school.
I rang the bell on the desk in front of her. She looked up briefly then did a double take. I smiled at her." Hello Mrs. Garfield, I'm here to check in my little brother."I said.
Her eyes widened "Is that you Drake Bradley!? How is your mother?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am and my mother is dead" I responded, she never accepted an answer in detention other then yes ma'am or no ma'am and my mom had died a few months ago in a car crash.
She laughed then went silent and studied my face as she brought out my brothers schedule and map of the school."You know, you are late right Mr. Bradley?" She asked me. I nodded. I had slept in and I always lock my door when I go to sleep so I didn't wake up until 10:30."Very well" she mumbled then addressed my brother. "The students are about to go to their 3rd period class so why don't you start heading there now."
Just as she said that the bell rang. I clapped my brother on the shoulder and left. As I walked through the brief bit of hallway between the exit and the office I was checked out by many of the girls. These girls would have mates someday, they shouldn't even think about other guys. I myself have been with girls other than my mate, I guess that makes me a hypocrite.
When I was about to open the door I was hit by a scent so mouth watering a whine actually escaped my lips before I clamped them shut. It spelled like Piña Coladas, vanilla and strawberries. I immediately wanted to wrap myself in it and my wolf was going berserk. I snapped out of it when the scent disappeared. What the hell? Did I imagine it? It's possible but my wolf was still going berserk. He wouldn't stop trying to get out. I pushed myself out of the doors into my car. I sat down with a huff and drove home thinking constantly about that scent. What was it?
When I got home I flopped face down onto my bed while my wolf whined and whimpered and begged me to go back. That's when I realized that the scent was very real, and that scent belonged to my mate.
Hi! Forgive me if this is terrible it's my first book and I'm usually really shy about sharing things I create. Also, this part is really short, sorry.
I know the beginning is slow but I didn't want it to be like everybody else's werewolf books where they meet in 2 seconds and fall madly in love. I also got that phasing thing instead of changing from my favorite book: The Prince of Wolves by: Quinn Loftis. It is an amazing book and I highly recommend it.

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