He's Mine! - 41

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Holly POV
The car ride home was silent. I didn't even sing when my favorite song came in the radio. When we got home I really needed to see my friends and turn into a squealing school girl for a minute or two. Plus my hands were getting sweaty from holding my purchases so tight. I threw the stuff onto my bed and then let out a big breath that turned into a laugh. A really loud, really obnoxious laugh. I called the gang through the pack link and they all came in a matter of seconds. We hadn't hung out in a while.
"How was it?" Isaac immediately asked plopping down Indian style with his elbows in his knees holding up his head, staring at me.
"Bad at first but then it was amazing!" I squealed. Olivia looked confused that I was being so girly but didn't say anything just yelled at me to explain.
"So we went to see the wolf exhibit-"
"Wait you are around wolves all day why do you feel the need to see them when you leave?" Asked Aimee.
"Oh my sweet Aimee, I love the wolves at the zoo because they are wolves full time while the wolves I'm usually around can turn from insensitive pricks and bullies into wolves. See the difference?" I asked sweetly while patting her head. She gave me a scowl and slapped my hand away. She was so much more open than when I first met her.
"Anyway the zookeeper guy went into the cage and tried to take the alpha pair of wolves' pups. He had turned on a dog whistle and it was awful for them and us. Anyway, the alphas protected their pups while the other pair just tried to get away from the sound instead of protecting their pup." I started but I was cut off when Aimee growled. I looked at her quizzically as did everybody else except Isaac. She looked like she was fighting herself internally then stood up and motioned for us the follow her.
"Okay? I'll just go tell Drake where I am. Where exactly are we going?" I asked.
"The nursery," she mumbled. I saw sadness flash in everybody's faces because of Chelsi but we shook it off and they started towards the elevator while I headed for the stairs to go downstairs. I phased my hearing and heard him talking to somebody in the living room. Damn his voice is sexy.
I walked into the room and was met with a heart shattering and angering sight. Mindy was soaking wet in something that she probably called a bikini. She was straddling Drake on the couch and was leaning in to kiss him. He wasn't actually touching her, his arms were stretched out on either side of his head which kinda made me think of a guy getting a lap dance from a stripper.
I couldn't control anything my body did and I shifted right there. I ran as fast as I ever had and grabbed her by her bleached blonde hair. She started screaming and that just made my wolf more hungry for her blood. I could have stopped my wolf right then but I actually didn't want to. I released her hair and jumped so I was standing on top of her. I had my front paws holding down her hands while my back paws held her legs down by her knees. She was shaking and whimpering underneath me while I snarled and growled in her face. My eyes felt weird and I saw my own reflection in her eyes. My eyes were yellow, no pupil and no white. Just a yellow color that looked a little bit like gold...what the hell? Suddenly I felt two strong arms wrap around my middle and pull me off of her. My wolf had more control so she was growling and fighting to get back and hurt Mindy while my human side was passive because I could tell it was Drake that had pulled me off. My wolf must have realized as well because she stopped fighting and just whimpered. Drake set us down on the couch and I curled up into the tiniest ball I could manage. I can't believe I actually just did that, what's wrong with me!?
"What the hell happened here?" I heard the roar from the direction of the doorway. My wolf could tell it was alpha Malino and she started quivering. I felt Drake sit down next to me and he started stroking my head. I heard a few other people come into the room but my head was buried in my own fur so I couldn't see anything.
"Guys, help me." I whimpered through the pack link. Apparently they had been here because I felt the couch dip on the other side of me and somebody else start petting me.
I whimpered and decided to take whatever punishment he had for me. I raised my head and opened my eyes. I looked alpha Malino straight in the eyes and he looked back at me with confusion and disbelief. I looked to either side of me and saw Drake staring at each of the people gathered in turn with his eyes phased to his wolfs eyes. I looked on the other side and saw Aimee sitting next to me with her eyes also on everybody in the doorway. In front of me Isaac and Olivia stood with their arms crossed. Their eyes were phased as well. I almost cried at their willingness to help me and protect me but I kept my face emotionless and pointed towards the crowd of people.
"Why the hell are her eyes yellow?" I heard somebody ask. I couldn't actually see them but my eyes did feel weird still so I closed them again. I kept them closed and just thought of my friends and Drake. That calmed me down especially since they were right there. When I opened my eyes again they didn't feel all tingly like before so I assume they were back to their violet color.
"Holly, what happened here?" Alpha Malino asked. He still had disbelief in his eyes I'm guessing because he didn't think I would ever attack anybody. I kept the eye contact with him while I explained it in the pack link. When I was done he motioned for me to follow him. My friends and Drake all started growling lowly. "Relax, I just need to talk to Drake and Holly nothing will happen to her." Alpha Malino explained while looking me right in the eyes back. I assume it was alpha and luna stuff and that I was going to get a lecture, possibly a punishment.
"That bitch deserves to be killed for what she did to me!" Wailed Mindy from the corner of the room where Trevor was holding her. Of course in Trevor fashion one of his hands was on her boob and the other on her thigh. Pig. My wolfs temper flared up again and my eyes got all tingly again. I got off the couch and snapped in her direction. She whimpered and shrank back against Trevor. I closed my eyes again and thought of Drake to calm myself. Luckily he put his hand on my back and I felt the feeling in my eyes disappear immediately. I opened my eyes again and started walking towards the crowd of people. Alpha Malino turned and started walking towards the private elevator that led to the offices so Drake and I followed him.
Everybody scrambled to get out of my way and I'm glad because I wasn't in the mood to deal with anybody's shit plus I didn't know if I could trust myself not to rip somebody's leg off.
We got to his office and he closed the door behind us. "Could you shift back please Holly?" He asked patiently. I shook my head and he raised his eyebrows. He probably thought I was disobeying him so i decided to show him. I turned my head and grabbed a scrap of fabric in my mouth that had been part of my pants. I turned back to him and dropped it on the ground. "Ah, I see, you are okay to be in wolf form then?" He asked. I nodded and sat down.
"Holly that was not a very luna like thing for you to do, you could have killed her! I understand the jealousy but you have to control yourself. Definitely don't let your eyes turn that color again okay?" He almost yelled. I bowed my head in submission and whimpered. I really didn't want to but I knew it was the right thing to do and it would get us out of this situation quicker.
"You know I have to punish you right?" He asked somewhat sadly. I was confused as to why he was sad but I got it when he said what the punishment was. "You are not allowed to see Drake anymore until the challenge itself."

Sorry I forgot what point I was actually at in the story so the challenge will be the two chapters after the one I'll release tomorrow. Ugh confusion! Sorry guys and if you're confused the whole eyes thing will be resolved in a bit. I'm also mad at myself because I would really love that outfit she was wearing I would wear it in real life and I regret having her destroy it😭

SHIT! I just remembered that I have my birthday party tomorrow and then on Sunday I have to babysit so this weekend will probably only have one chapter being released <3

Wow I just realized I didn't publish this on Friday *facepalm*

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