He's Mine! - 39

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I'm sorry I know I went MIA over the weekend but I was busy watching the Harry Potter marathon then I was tired then I couldn't get motivated but there will be two chapters today to make up for it. You all get free candy and a puppy as well :D
Holly POV
After Drake left to go shower I had to take a moment to calm my raging hormones. After a few minutes of thinking of things the complete opposite of sex like my mother and the challenge and Donald Trump I was completely fine even though my wolf kept whining because she wanted our mate to mate with us. I decided to change my outfit because it was way too hot to wear anything less than a tanktop. I grabbed a tight black tank and my favorite pair of rainbow high waisted shorts. It took me a while to decide what shoes to wear but I decided on a short pair of black boots. I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I should do something with my hair. I called Olivia through the pack link to come do my hair and she was here in a few seconds. She loves my hair. She put it in a braid and then left to go do gods know what.
I decided I was ready just as there was a knock on my door. I opened it and hugged Drake because my wolf was still nagging me to be closer to him, we couldn't verbally communicate since she was an animal but I got feelings and urges when she wanted me to do something that we all learn to interpret as we grow up with the wolf. He seemed a bit surprised but hugged me back and sniffed my hair. He put his arm around me and we started walking downstairs. Quite a few guys were checking me out but Drake growled and they all dropped their eyes immediately, except for Trevor who just kept staring a me mostly at my chest the perv. I could tell that Drake was not pleased so I put my arm around him and he seemed calmed.
When we got to his car I immediately fell in love. It was a black 2012 mustang and I had always wanted one secretly. I got in the passenger seat and immediately started running my hands over the dashboard and the seats. He got in and when he started it I couldn't hold in my excitement anymore.
"I love your car," I squealed. He gave me the biggest smile I've ever seen. "What's her name?" I asked and he looked confused I decided to explain. "All good cars have a name don't you know that?" I asked.
"Yes I know that and her name is Katrina, I'm just surprised that you know about cars," He admitted. I blushed and turned away smiling. He reached over and grabbed my chin so I was facing him.. "It's really hot," he assured me. I smiled again but my dad would always joked that guys thought it was really hot if a girl knew about cars. He used to bring me into the garage to work on his old Impala all the time. I basically learned to read out of car manuals. He also always had muscle car calendars so I know a lot of different years and models of nice cars. He must have seen my sadness but he didn't do anything about it.
I wasn't sad for long because my favorite song came on and I squealed as I turned it up. I could recognize This is Gospel by just the opening heartbeat noises. I started singing along totally shameless and when it was over I leaned back with a huge smile on my face. I hadn't realized that we were at the zoo yet and I glanced over at Drake. His mouth was hanging open and he was staring at me. I immediately blushed red and mumbled an apology. He looked appalled that I apologized and said "what are you sorry about!? That was amazing!!" Then he jumped out of the car and ran to my side. Just as I got out he picked me up by my waist and spun me around while I giggled. When he put me down he gave me a small kiss on the lips then laced out fingers together. I'm glad he payed for our admission because I forgot to bring my own money.
When we got in I immediately turned into a little girl again. I had always loved the zoo because of all the animals. My favorites were the big cats and, ironically, the wolves. "Where do you want to go first sweetheart?" He asked me and I almost melted at the pet name. I smiled and reached up to kiss him on the cheek. He was still too tall for me to do that but he understood what I wanted and leaned down a bit.
"The wolves," I said and he chuckled. I understood why but by the time he finished he had tears in his eyes. I scowled at him and crossed my arms. He looked at me and then recovered himself.
"I'm sorry it's just that you see wolves everyday!" He explained.
"I know I do but these wolves are different. They can't change into arrogant dumbasses whenever they want to." I explained sternly. He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder to head towards the wolves.
When we got to the enclosure it was actually really busy. Drake and I managed to push our way to the front. The only thing I didn't like about the wolf enclosure was how small it was. It was one of the biggest enclosures but it wasn't nearly big enough. Our own pack territory stretched for hundreds of miles each way with the pack house in the center. When we got to the front the wolves all looked at us. We had this weird connection with wild wolves where we understood and recognize each other. One wolf was black, one was white and two were grey. 4 tiny pups tumbled in and I understood why everybody was crowded around. 3 of the pups latched themselves to to the white wolf and one latched himself to one of the grey wolves. The adults stopped looking at us to pay attention to their pups.
The black and white wolves must have been the alphas because they were bigger and the other wolves never met their eyes. Two of the alpha pups were black like their dad and one was white like her mother.
The other two wolves must have been mates since they were both fussing over the pup who looked very scared of all the people staring at him. It said no photos but people were still taking pictures and it made me extremely angry for some reason.
Suddenly there was a dog whistle being blown and Drake and I covered out ears. We could hear it and the humans around us didn't so we had to pretend that it was all okay. The problem was if we didn't muffle the sound at all our ears would start bleeding and that would look even stranger. The wolves in the enclosure heard it and started whimpering and whining. The alpha male and female were growling in the direction of a door in the wall and they had their whimpering pups behind them. The grey wolves however weren't as smart apparently because the male was slinking away with his ears down and the inexperienced female just kept running her paws over her ears to try and stop the noise. Meanwhile, a man walked through the door the alphas were growling at. He couldn't be more than a few years older than me and he was heading towards the alphas. When he got close enough they snapped at him and snarled. He looked scared and backed away. Then he turned to the female and her pup who were somewhat separated. The male wasn't there to protect him and his mother made a feeble attempt to bite the zookeeper who picked up her pup but he kicked her off of his leg. The zookeeper held the grey pup by the scruff of his neck and he held him at arms length. When he stepped back through the door the dog whistle stopped. We took our hand off our ears and then I turned and hid my face into Drake's side. They were treating them so awfully! They took that poor pup from his family! His parents weren't protective enough over him and they took him away for gods know what.
I got my answer when the zookeeper walked out of a door next to us with the pup still in his hand. The pup was squirming and whimpering and barking but he couldn't get out of the awful mans grasp.
"Who wants to hold it?" Yelled the zookeeper with a smile on his face. A bunch of people immediately starting shouting including me. A bunch of people had gotten in front of me so he couldn't see me anymore but I still tried to get his attention. He let about 5 people hold him and I saw that they were all attractive women so I decided to try and use that to my advantage. Drake wouldn't be happy but I had to comfort the poor pup.
The zookeeper who's name tag read Milo now had a clear view of me. I looked down slightly then looked at him through my lashes while I bit my lip and asked him if I could hold him. His eyes scanned me up and down and then he nodded slowly with a smirk on his face. He handed me the pup roughly and just kept checking me out. I knew Drake was going to be pissed but I don't care. I back up so my back was against Drake's chest and I explained to him why I did what I did. He grunted but still didn't seem happy.
When I held the pup he stopped squirming like he had in all the other peoples arms. He looked up into my face with confusion. I held him like a baby unlike all the other people who had held him under his arms far away from them. I smiled down at him and he seemed to brighten. He started wagging his little tail and barked playfully. I whimpered back then nuzzled him. Nobody else had done this with him and I could tell he enjoyed it because he was reminded of what his mother does. Everybody was staring at me because the pup had struggled and tried to bite them while they held him and here I was with him right up against me and I was making wolf noises to him. I had also nuzzled him with my nose so they seemed confused. The pup suddenly yawned and curled up against me more. He was out in an instant. Milo tried to take him from me saying that he had to go back in the cage now. I did the whole flirty thing again but this time I added a wink and I asked him if I could put him back in the enclosure.
"Well I really shouldn't but for you I will," he stuttered. I held the pup and Drake tried to follow me but I shot him a look that said to stay there, a muscle in his jaw twitched but he stayed put. Milo walked with me to the door and opened it for me. There was a stair case and another room before the door that opened I to the enclosure. When he reached for the button labeled whistle I grabbed his hand and told him no I would be fine. He gulped and said okay but it wasn't his fault if I died. Idiot, they wouldn't attack me...hopefully. He stayed in the room while I walked with the sleeping pup towards his distressed looking parents. The alphas saw me first and immediately stood in front of their pups but didn't snarl at me. I looked at them but bowed my head as a sign of respect. They immediately relaxed and went about their business again. When I got closer to the parents they growled at me because I had their pup. I was angry with these two they didn't protect their pup! I walked up to them and then I barked to tell them that they need to protect their pup apparently they understood because they stopped growling at me and just whimpered. The female laid down and I put the sleeping pup right up against her stomach. He snuggled up to her and sighed. I reached down and stroked his little head before walking away. When I got to the door Milo opened it and looked shocked that I made it back in one piece.
"Stop treating them so awfully and maybe they will let you have their pups willingly because if it was you that had tried to put him back with his parents they would have attacked you, are we clear?" I shouted at him and he nodded with a scared look in his eyes. "Good, and stop looking at girls like that you pig," I said as I waltzed back up the stairs and out of the door. Wow, I was never like that to strangers.
When I got out of the door everybody was staring at me. I gave them all a big smile then pulled Drake out of the crowd and towards the big cat park of the zoo. "That was amazing," mumbled Drake as he kissed the sweet spot on my neck where his mark would cover my skin. A slight moan escaped me before I stopped it and I thanked him. We made it to the big cats and they barely had any people looking at them even though the lions had cubs and so did the cheetah. The lion pride was four females and one big golden male. He yawned after we were there for a while and shook his head. They didn't do much, male lions.
The cheetah was just laying there on top of a rock while her 3 cubs played on the ground underneath her. After a while she sat up and looked very regal as she watched over her cubs.
After a while I got hungry so Drake bought me a hot dog and a Mountain Dew. I fucking love Mountain Dew. Drake got the same thing but couldn't take his eyes off of me eating the hot dog. Ugh, men. After we ate I wanted to go to the gift shop. When we got there it was really packed especially around all the wolf merchandise. One little girl saw me and pulled on her moms skirt pointing at me saying that's the puppy girl. I smiled at her and waved and she smiled and hid behind her mother. So cute. I actually wanted some wolf stuff myself so I forced my way in and a few more people recognized me. I ignored them and grabbed a postcard for the zoo that had all the wolves and their names on it. I also got a really soft stuffed version of the pup I held. Drake of course paid for them and then we decided to leave since the zoo would be closing in an hour anyway.
"Thank you this was awesome!" I squealed as we made our way to the car. We had decided not to get anything to eat since we already ate so we were going straight home. Drake smiled at me then pushed me against the side of the car. I was surprised and confused for a second but he had that crooked smile on that I can never resist. He kissed me and for some reason it was much more intense than the other ones we had. I wrapped one of my legs around his waist and ran my fingers through his hair. He growled and moved one of his hands from the bottom of my thigh to my hair. I got lost in the kiss and didn't feel his hand moving down my face until he pulled away. His finger found it's way to my lips and I understood what he was trying to do. Might as well indulge him. I looked him in the eyes as he put his finger in my mouth and I sucked on it. I had never done anything like this before but it felt right with Drake. I grabbed his hand and pulled it away from me as I stood up at the same time. I licked my swollen lips and tried to catch my breath. Drake was huffing and his eyes were the darkest I've ever seen them well maybe less dark than the time he saw me in only my bra and panties.
The door was open so I simply slipped into the passenger side and let out a huge breath. Wow.

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