Chapter 1 - Recruitment

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    A soft breeze drifted through the open window of the rustic cabin. The sun was setting behind the hill that the structure was nestled near, and the sounds of twilight began to permeate the space. Tiny spring peeper frogs sang along the edge of the property, and the haunting call in the distance declared an owl's presence. A light was on in the cabin, and smoke drifted from the chimney as a small fire was laid in the fireplace to displace the chill in the air. The wind picked up, and the occupant of the lodge shivered and crossed over to the window. The woman pushed her hair out of her eyes and glanced to the horizon, the sky streaked with orange and pink, sensing something in the air. Her eyes drifted to the east, where the first stars were appearing; it was coming from that direction. She could feel familiarity approaching, and was not surprised to see a stealth jet appear and land in the clearing 200 yards from the house.

   She smiled slightly, closed the window and returned to her overstuffed chair, her Kindle and her cup of tea. She curled up and waited for the knock on the door. It came moments later, and with a wave of her hand it opened gently. She didn't need to look up to see the dark figure standing in her door way. Taking a sip of tea, she continued to read. "Director Coulson, such a surprise," she said sardonically. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

   The man straightened his suit jacket and stepped across the threshold, waiving to the accompanying man to wait on the porch. "Good evening, Agent McKenna. SHIELD was hoping you would consider coming back to join us."

   Taryn stood and walked to the kitchen. "Can I offer you some tea, Phil?"

   "Actually, I need to return to the facility. But I wanted to see you personally to extend the invitation."

   She poured water into her cup, and set the kettle back on the stove and sighed. "Why do you need me again? You have your god, and your metal man, your Boy Scout etcetera... why me?"

   Coulson approached the kitchen island. "Because the Avengers have need of your particular talents." He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a flash drive. "The information is in here. Review it. If you're interested, you know how to contact me." Taryn watched him place the drive on the countertop and turn to walk out. "It was good to see you again, Taryn."

   She smiled softly. She couldn't be mad at Coulson. "You too Phil. Thanks for the visit."

   He nodded and smiled and exited the cabin. She could hear the jet fire up and eventually take off. She stared at the drive for a long time before she picked it up. Taryn headed down the hall to the den. In the back of the room, the carpet concealed a trap door. She pulled out a book from the bookshelf, revealing a retina scanner and leaned in to be scanned. She heard the latch unlock and the carpet and trap door slid away, revealing a staircase. She descended, and the door closed behind her.

   The lights illuminated the room as she stepped in, and she sat at the large oak desk. She waived her hand across the surface of the desk and it split and her computer system rose from inside. Taryn plugged the flash drive into the USB and opened files containing information on one of the latest enemies that SHIELD and the Avengers seemed to be up against. Bio-terrorists of a sort. Working to clean the world of mutants, gifted, classifieds, masquerading as a Weapons and Tech manufacturer ... She had seen this before and she was sure this wouldn't be the last time. People like these were afraid of anyone who showed some sort of "ability". They had recently tried to attack a small group of mutants at a compound down south. Unfortunately there had been several casualties, civilians among them. SHIELD wanted this group neutralized. The leader went by the name of Markus Thornfeld and he had been raised by a family that had instilled these beliefs in him.

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