Chapter 17 - Downloads and Deceptions

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Two days later, the team decided to send agents in to investigate whatever HYDRA was building. The team chose Tasha, Taryn and Wanda as they were better suited for stealth missions. Back up would be Sam and Steve in a surveillance van and they finalized the plan they would be executed the following evening.

The three women poured over the blueprints of the facility they would be infiltrating, designing where each would be entering. Rogers and McKenna spent the morning of the operation in bed until it was time to head to the conference room. Taryn dressed in office attire and put on her pumps and Rogers approached her, his voice low.

"I know I don't have to say it, but be careful, please?"

She chuckled to herself. "I will, and I'll ask the same of you."

They left Roger's quarters and finalized the plans in the conference room. Tasha would enter the building on the North side. That contained the offices servers. She would attempted to retrieve information from their computers.

Wanda was heading in from the South to meet up with Tasha and provide her cover if necessary.

Taryn would be walking in the front door, disguised as an employee of the company that was fronting the HYDRA operation. Her face was cloaked as the face of a tech that had been planted by SHIELD. Tonight she would be replaced by Taryn.

Steve was a bit disconcerted when Taryn disguised as the tech, winked at him. He was in awe of the technology of this time, but it made him uneasy at times. It reminded him of the mask the Red Skull had worn...

The thin skin of the mask was sheer until programmed with an image. The tech was a blonde, she Taryn donned a shoulder length wig then adhered the mask to her skin. She could hardly tell it was there, and it altered her voice as well. Taryn had been briefed of all the tech was aware of and what projects she had been working on.

Since they were going in after hours, Taryn and the others hoped they would run into little resistance. Taryn drove the tech's car into the lot and she was stopped at the gate. She flashed her smile and her badge to the gate guard and he let her pass.

One down, she thought. Taryn parked the car and headed to the main doors. She swiped her badge and the door clicked. Bingo. Last check was the security desk.

"Evening, Ms. Holling. Another late night?"

"Good evening, Stu. Yes, had to grab some dinner and come back to work on a report. No rest for the weary."

Stu smiled, scanned her badge and she placed her iPod and phone on the belt to be xrayed.

"All set, Ms. Holling. Have a good night. Don't work too hard."

She picked up her items and made her way down the corridor. She turned into the ladies room and stepped into a stall. "I'm in," she whispered.

Steve chimed in. "Good. Tasha and Wanda are in position. Advise when you're at Cathy's desk."

"Got it."

She flushed, washed her hands and continued out, knowing that the bathroom was monitored in at least some fashion. Taryn took the elevator to the third floor where the techs sat and made her way to the desk. She heard Steve in her ear again. "Scan indicates there are six others on level three. Looks like you're not the only one working late. Stay alert."

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