Chapter 27 - Reflections

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Back at the compound, Taryn was unpacking her suitcase full of souvenirs from 1946, when she felt a familiar presence at the door. She came out to the living room and waiting until he knocked before she waived the door open.

"Thanks for that," Rogers laughed.

She chuckled. "Any time."

"What are you up to?"

"Just unpacking. It's like we were only on vacation," Taryn laughed.

Steve followed her into the bed room and sat on the bed. "What did you bring back, anyway?"

"Well, I had to bring the green gown and gorgeous earrings." She took out a small art deco bronze sculpture of a dancer in green and held it up. "From Howard. He said it reminded him of me."

Steve smiled. "Well, he did like your legs."

She laughed. "Yes, he did. You know, I was almost sorry to leave." Taryn sat on the bed opposite Steve and gazed at the statue.

"I understand," he replied. "Getting a taste of that era again... But I'm happy to be home, with SHIELD. And with you."

Taryn smiled softly at him. "I am too. But I am glad I have these things to remind me."

"So," Steve said after a moment. "What else do you have in here?" he asked rummaging about in the suitcase. He found silk stockings and garters and held them up. "Well, now... what have we here?"

Taryn grinned. "Well they are pretty... real silk."

"Yes, and you look amazing in them as well."

She crawled over to him on her hands and knees. "Oh. Do tell..."

She had changed from her 1940s suit into a tank top and jeans. As she sat there leaning towards him, he admired the view of her ample cleavage.

"Ahh... I lost my train of thought," he said.

Taryn chuckled. "Derailed you, did I?"

"Something like that."

She kissed him softly. "How about we see if the others want to grab some pizza or something?"

The Avengers descended upon the Italian restaurant in town and ordered several pizzas, tons of wings and lots of beer. Even Tony and Pepper met them there and they all took over the restaurant's back room.

While they waited for their food, they bombarded Steve and Taryn with questions. Tony teased them about all the articles on line about the 'disappearance' of the two. Some speculated marriage, death, super-secret assignment... They all agreed that the cover story should be 'assignment.' Taryn laughed off the stories, while Steve was a bit embarrassed and dismayed by them.

"Eh, don't believe everything you read," Tony laughed. "Although, the marriage rumor I'm still on the fence about..."

Steve flushed a deep crimson and Taryn laughed so hard she nearly had beer come out her nose. "Don't you dare start perpetuating any rumors!" she pointed at Tony and punched him in the arm. "It seems like the press can do that all on their own."

Later on that night, Steve walked Taryn back to her quarters. She asked him in and he accepted. They lounged on the couch chatting and half paying attention to the television.

"Things are a bit less interesting now that we're back, aren't they?" Steve observed as Taryn rested her legs on his lap.

She shrugged. "Well, I'm sure we'll have our fair share of excitement again before too long."

He chuckled and smiled. "I did enjoy the down time we had there, though."

"Me too. What an awesome experience for me, really... I've always been fascinated by the 1940s. I'm just thankful that you were there with me. I'd have had no idea what to do and who to contact..."

"Oh, I don't know. You're pretty resourceful."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, but me, I'm not so sure."

They were silent for a bit, as they fell into their comfortable routine again. "Taryn?"


"What do you suppose you would have done if we could not have gotten back?"

She looked pensive for a moment. "Stayed with SHIELD. Helped Howard and Peggy start things off right."

Steve nodded. "Maybe... gotten married? Started a family?"

"Maybe, probably. I do want that one day," she replied without flinching. It wasn't a longing but it was something she knew would happen eventually. And she looked forward to it. The way things were going, she hoped it would be Steve, but she couldn't see that far out, or that specific. "What about you?"

He considered his reply. He would have enjoyed working with Howard and Jarvis and Peggy for the long term. Even if he couldn't be Captain America again. He already knew deep down that Taryn was the girl for him, he just needed the right time for both of them... "I would stay with SHIELD as well. I enjoy the work. HYDRA seemed pretty active then... As far as marriage goes, I never could envision that when I was young and so sick all the time. I'd think 'who the hell would want me?' Then the serum came along and I had more propositions from women than I knew what to do with." Steve blushed slightly. "I did accept a few, I'll admit, but nothing was long lasting. But then again, I'd never have met you if it was."

Taryn smiled softly. Everything about their relationship made her ridiculously happy. He certainly was a keeper. She snuggled up against him on the couch and he wrapped his arm around her. "No matter what era, I'm glad I'm with you, as sappy as that sounds."

Steve smiled and kissed her hair. "Never sappy. Just refreshing, actually. I had a hard time finding a girl like you and I'm gonna hold on to you."

"Hold on as tight as you want," she replied, wrapping his arms around her.

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