Chapter 9 - Respite

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A month passed and assignments came and went. Taryn became friends with Natasha, once Romanoff figured out Taryn wasn't going to mess with Rogers' heart. Natasha seemed genuinely happy for the pair. Taryn's relationship with Rogers was progressing. They had the opportunity to do several charity appearances together as Vibe and Captain America, and Taryn treasured spending time with the kids. Steve enjoyed watching her interact with them, and levitate their stuffed animals to them, and wish them well. Sometimes Iron Man made an appearance with them, sometimes Sam.

Today was scheduled to be a quiet day, and Taryn met Natasha for coffee. She sat down with her coffee and bagel and Tasha asked how things were going.

"So, I was thinking of inviting him to the cabin next week," said Taryn sipping her coffee.

Natasha set her cup down on the table and sat. "Do you think he's ready for that?" she said.

"I don't know... we've been together for a few months now. I'd really like to spend some time alone with him, without the distractions of this place... But I know he's Mr. Gentleman too... I don't want to scare him off."

Romanoff laughed. "Well he is pretty shy, but he is very smitten with you, and has said so on many occasions. He just isn't used to us modern women making the first move. I'd say what can it hurt? If he comes up with some work excuse or something, then he's just not ready."

Taryn sighed and sat back in the chair. "I mean it's not like I just want to throw him in bed and have my way with him... well I do but that is beside the point..."

Natasha nearly spit out her coffee. "Well there are thousands of women who would want to do the same thing, but you're the one who has his eye... and his heart. You just have to remember he's from a different time with different values."

"I know, I just... I mean he must have needs like I do, right? I mean, he likes kissing me... But I don't want him to think I'm cheap either... I mean it wouldn't be my first time, but I'm not sure about him...." Taryn was really surprised she was having this conversation with Natasha of all people, but she really didn't feel comfortable talking about this with anyone else.

Natasha contemplated this and nodded. "I honestly can't say. He didn't have much experience before he became the super solider I'm sure. After that, he went to war. I don't think he and Peggy had much of chance for anything. I had been trying to set him up with different girls in the organization, but he was pretty reserved about it. I would say, just ask him to the cabin, and if he says no, then move beyond it."

Taryn nodded absently and promised herself she would ask him before the end of the day.

Taryn spent most of the next day in the computer lab, pouring over old files, organizing things, trying to keep herself busy until she saw Steve sometime today. She thought she heard he was in the city working on something with Tony and Rhodey. Looking at the time, she decided she'd better eat and made her way down to the cafeteria for a salad or something. "Taryn," called a voice she recognized well. She turned to see Steve walking through the main doors with Rhodey. He approached her and kissed her cheek, whispering "how's my best girl?"

She giggled like a teenager every time he called her that. She couldn't help it. It was too cute and so... Steve. "I was just about to grab something to eat, care to join me?"

"You bet. Rhodey?"

He raised a hand, "Thanks but no thanks. Have a few more schematics to run through. You folks have a good day."

The two got food from the cafeteria and decided to eat outside where the sun warmed the patio. They chatted about their days, and fell into comfortable silence. Then Taryn took a deep breath. "Steve?"

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