Chapter 33- 'Twas The Night Before Christmas

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The sun was bright and warm on Christmas Eve morning. Taryn hoped the weather would remain nice and that people would actually be able to come up to join them.

The house smelled of cinnamon and pine and Christmas. She hadn't been this happy for the holidays in a very long time. She and Steve had sat down and made a list of final things they would need for dinner and he offered to go into town to get them. While he was gone, his gift from her was delivered. She was as excited as a six year old this year and couldn't wait to celebrate with friends and loved ones.

Rogers wandered around town for a bit after picking up what was on his list. He decided to head back to the jewelry store that he knew Taryn had admired the other day. There was a young girl behind the counter today, and she brightened up as soon as he walked in. "Can I help you find something?

"Actually, I'm looking for another present for my girl. We were in here the other day, and she saw a necklace that I think she liked."

The girl, visibly disappointed that he had a girlfriend, was trying to act enthusiastic. "Was it a particular stone that she liked?"

He smiled. "Emerald. Like the color of her eyes."

The girl couldn't help but melt at his smile. "Lucky girl," she said, actually meaning it. "The emeralds are over here..."

Steve found a round set emerald stone that had small diamonds around it suspended from a delicate gold chain. He smiled and made the purchase. "Merry Christmas!" he called as he left the store. With his shopping now all done, he headed back to the cabin. But at the last minute he stopped at the Stephens' farm.

Taryn was munching on a cookie and sipping tea when he returned, his arms loaded down with parcels.

"What did you do, buy the store out?"

"Hey I stuck to the list... sort of..."

She laughed and began to put things away. "Thank you for going to the store for me... I think..."

They spent the rest of the afternoon wrapping gifts and listening to Christmas music.

That evening, after dinner, they sat on the couch wrapped together in a comforter and Taryn suddenly looked up at the door. "Who could be here?"

A knock fell at the door and Steve jumped up. "I'll get it!"

She raised a brow wondering what he was up to and was really confused to see Mr. Stephens standing on the front step.

"All set, Captain Rogers."

He nodded and shook his hand. "We'll be right out!"

"Out? We will? I was just getting warm..."

"Oh, come on. Coat and hat and boots."

"What? Why?"

He flashed is gorgeous blue eyes at her. "Please?"

She laughed and did as he asked. The two went outside and Taryn was surprised to find Mr. Stephens driving a sleigh complete with bells and big fluffy blankets waiting for them.

Steve helped her into the sleigh, bundled her up and he ran back into the house to lock up. He came bounding back and settled in beside her under the blankets. Mr. Stephens turned to them. "The missus packed two thermoses of her famous hot chocolate. Ready? Enjoy the ride!"

Steve wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned in against him. "Steve, this is amazing! What a perfect way to spend Christmas Eve! I had forgotten that the Stephens' had this sleigh."

He nodded and kissed the top of her head. "I remembered seeing it when we went riding. I stopped by while I was out and asked if we could rent it for tonight."

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