The First Battle II

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"Imma murder this man!

He the type to lose a fight with a dyke

They don't laugh 'cause you wack

They laugh 'cause you white with a mic

You're a laughingstock and when would this laughing stop?

When you went ever last, bitch ass get popped

You a wigga that invented rhyme for money

Watch Li'l Tic's spit kick this energizer bunny

Rip the rabbit's head off, toss it to Hugh Heffner

'Cause I don't play, boy, now tell me who fresher?"

"You are!!!" I'm rolling my eyes so hard right now at this clown. I just really hope Rabbit doesn't choke now.

"L.T. that's right,

Cock the heat and shoot ya

I'll punish rabbit or obsolete future

My paws love to maul the M.C.

'Cause he faker than a psychic with caller I.D.

So that bullshit, save it for stories

'Cause this is hip-hop you don't belong you're a tourist

So put your hockey sticks and baseball bat away

'Cause this here's Detroit 16 mile road is that-away



"Whoa, Whoa!" Once again future interrupts my plots of murder. "Okay, okay, 45 seconds, very nice. Hey you did a good job little Bitch. I mean, Li'l Tic. My bad." Remind me to give Future the biggest kiss on the cheek for that later. "All right, next up is my boy, Bunny Rabbit"

"BOOOOO" Nope. I know I did not hear those little dildos booing him, there's no way.

"Hey now, talk all that shit if you want to, but I'm telling you I vouch for this motherfucker right here. He's a genius, man, a motherfucking genius. Your best shit. 45 seconds, Rabbit. DJ kick it!"

"hey yo"

Oh no, I don't hear anything, please don't choke J, please. Damn it he's chocking everyone's booing him. I'm not even mad right now I just feel really awful for him instead. I can hear the guys at the front cheering him on. Please, rabbit, please, come on.

Shit. Oh shit. OH SHIT I JUST SAID SHIT. SHIT! Great! Now their all saying choke. No get me outta here before I snap. Oh my gosh the whole damn shelter is cheering choke at him. Oh my gosh. Now their all yelling, laughing and booing him he definitely left. I'm gonna go find Future see if he's with him.

"'Scuse me, sorry behind you, sorry can I just, thank you." I made it through the crowd to the front and it's just Future up there . He sees me and makes his way over to the door I'm standing by. We go for a quick hug and we both have disappointment on our faces.

"Hey" I say to him with a sad smile

"Sup Tessie" he reply back

"Has he gone out there?" I ask him pointing to the door

"Yeah all of 'em. I got like 3 minutes till I gotta be back let's go to the back where he at"

We walk though the shelter which took us 2 minutes because security was being a pain, then there's also the fact that everyone knows future so we had to stop a bunch. We made it out eventually and saw the guys. B was walking with a black bag and the guys were following behind him.

"Yo Jimmy!" Future called to him as we jogged over. "Hold up. Man. Don't even worry about it, dog, all right?" He called to him as they bro hugged. B looked so down, ugh I hate seeing him like this I feel awful about it. "I'm gonna call you tomorrow. Gotta go back inside, alright? Night Tessie" He said giving me a hug.

"Yeah night" I replied

"Stay strong my brother." Iz said to him. "Yeah" Jimmy replied doing a man hug.

He turned to Sol. "You'll rip 'em next time"

Then Cheddar Bob. "Yeah next time"

Lastly me "Don't worry I'm gonna think of a way to fuck those pricks up" I said pulling out of our hug.

Everyone stared at me with wide eyes. The guys must think I'm fuming. I only swear when I'm really upset. Like when we buried my pet bird, and I called the cat that killed him a little fucker. I got a beating for that too.

"Oh shut up." I said to them all rolling my eyes and a small smile on my lips. Checking the watch on my wrist I saw that I really needed to get back if I wanted my job still. "I gotta go finish my shift night guys." I told them giving them each a hug.

Jimmy turned to me saying "Yo I'm taking the bus so I'll walk with you."

We began walking past the car park and down the alley. "Night Tessie, peace out, Rabbit" Bob called to us. I turned around blew him and kiss and sent a wink. Jimmy just stuck his peace fingers up like bunny ears.

"So where we off to on this fine evening sir?" I said to Jimmy with a slight tilt to my head and a warm smile.

"I'm takin the bus to my mom's." I looked to him with a frown and his eyes softened. "I broke up with Janeane and left her the car"

I nodded to be honest I was happy, Jimmy back at his mom's meant more hanging out and it was better for lily and tommy too. "Oh right, well I would hop on with ya but I gotta work night shift tonight sorry B."

"Nah it's cool. Yo my bus is here. I'll see ya tomorrow neighbor" He turned to me with a slight smile and gave me a kiss on the cheek. It was just a thing we've done since we were like 5.

"KK night-night, dum-dum." I replied with a smile and a returned kiss on the cheek. He ruffled my hair than hopped on the bus. He gave me a wave as it left and I could see the defeat in his eyes. I stood there for a few minutes after just thinking about the whole night and how much I hate those free world fuckers. Shit. Shit. OH MY GOSH I NEED TO STOP SWEARING. I sighed and started walking. I checked my watch for the sake of it. Shoot! I wont be surprised if I'm fired tonight. Goodness the things I do for these dumb friends of mine

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