Squished in a car and dumb stories

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We somehow managed to squish all of us in J's car. Iz, Cheddar, Sol, Future and the girl they were with earlier squashed in the back, with Wink, Amy, Jimmy and I in the front. Amy and Wink apparently hit it off early so she sat with him, I'm not gonna tell her not to involve herself with him, whatever grudge I hold against him has nothing to do with her, as long as she's having fun tonight. 

Sol was telling us some dumb stories about his school days, and we kept laughing our heads off. Amy turned from Wink to me. "So why do they call him Rabbit?" She asked loudly.

"'Cause he's fast and likes to fuck a lot." I smile knowing the real answer but Future answers for me. His mom came up with the name. He had big buck teeth and big ears, I thought it was so cute when we were younger.

I turn to Future and shake my head smiling. He laughs back at me. I turn back to Amy who's laughing. "Does that answer your question?" I smile to her.

"Nigga, get your hand off my balls." I hear Sol yell. What the fuck is he yelling about? Jimmy and I turn around to look at him and Iz fighting.

"Man, why you gotta be all ignorant?" Iz shoots back at him. I just laugh.

"Whoa, whoa, Jimmy, Jimmy." Wink calls out as a car beeps at us repeatedly. What's this bitch yelling for again? I turn back around and we're met with bright headlights coming straight towards us. SHIT!! Jesus Jimmy! I lean into him my hand pressed against his arm, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Whoa!" We all call out. I swear if I die in this car I'm haunting Jimmy's ass. I can guarantee that.

He quickly swerves us into the correct lane, pushing all of us to the side of the car, and I squeeze my eyes even tighter if possible. I open them gingerly. Okay! Still here! I let out a heavy sigh of relief and chuckle with Amy. 

"What's the matter with you?" Future call from the back.

"My bad you guys" Jimmy tells us. Pfft moron. 

"I will fucking kill you next time you pull shit like that again Jimmy Smith Jr" I sigh rolling my eyes heavily at him.

"Yes ma'am" He stifles back a smile trying to be serious. I stick my tongue out at him in response, and he copies.

"So Rabbit, you signed or anything yet?" The girl from the back asks

"No, not yet. But I'm working on a little somethin' somethin' for him." Wink replies to her. Being way braggy too may I add.

"Yeah?" I reply incredulously to him raising an eyebrow as well.

"He gonna record a demo at MCA." I didn't know that. Maybe Winks not completely useless. Jimmy should have told me about that. We tell each other everything, he probably didn't get the time chill out Tess.

"Really?" I ask turning back around to J.

"Yeah, but..." J trails off. I tilt my head to him listening.

"Listen, Tessie, if you can come down to the shelter again, you can really hear him flow." Future tells me. Yeah I will of course if I can sneak out of work again.

"Yeah! He's the best!" Cheddar yells out. I smile at him and he gives me a grin back. 

"Shut up, Cheddar." Jimmy tells him, annoyed.

"J be nice to Cheddar." I scold him. He looks at me and smirks.

"Okay Mother Theresa." He mocks. I shoot him a playful glare shaking my head. 

"Anyways, Fuckface, when's the battle?"

"Friday night" Future replies to me.

"Yeah? I'll see if I can sneak out of work." I smile to Jimmy. 

"A'ight." He smiles back and we go back to more of Sols dumb stories.




just a quick chapter wanted some light banter between the group so YUH.

i really appreciate yall reading this means a lot. ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO VOTED?! I FEEL FAMOUS RN. LIKE SRSLY I LOVE YALL SO MUCH.

but please comment on this story I'd love to read some comments abt it. Like I am such a comment stalker I be knee deep in the comments on other stories laughing at that shi. SO PLEASE BBG COMMENT!!!



- the bitch <3

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