Greg Buehl and a 1928 Delta

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I got a little under 4 hours of sleep, and I was dreaming about Brad Pitt. Well I started to until the stupid alarm went off before we could run away to Bora Bora. 'Kay time to start the day I guess. I get changed, put some mascara and lip tint on, brush out my hair and leave.

The walk to Sharron Wheelan's house is short she literally lives across the street. I'm knocking on her door right now and she's still not answering. I'll try knocking harder maybe she'll wake up. Okay I hear some shuffling around I know she's up now.

"Morning Ms. Wheelan, thank you so much for watching him." I give her the cheesiest smile. Maybe if I butter her up she won't be so cranky.

She looks at me blankly "Money?"

Wow not even a fake smile, ok then. I hand her the $60 and she snatches it. Oh my gosh can this chick just give me a break she doesn't need to be such a damn bi-

"TESSIE!!!!" There he is! Oh I missed him last night it was weird without him there. 

"Hey smiley. Did you have a good time?" I call him smiley because since the day he was born he was always laughing and smiling. 

"Yep!" He gives my his toothy grin and we're on our way back now.

I make Tommy his breakfast and we talk about his night. Jimmy has work right now and I don't know what his mom is up to. I'll go get Lily and the two of them can go hang out today. We walk over and Tommy runs to the door, and does his little knocking pattern for just him and Lily.

"Hey Tommy! Hi T. Let me go grab Lily." Jimmy's mom says. Stephanie and my mom were best friends their whole lives and did everything together. She really took it hard when Mama died and started drinking. So I come over on days off and pick up Lily. Back when Jimmy used to live here he'd get into fights with his Mom's douchey boyfriends so he would send Lily over if things got really heated. I would do the same if I was really tired or having a bad day. It doesn't bother either of us since we love those kids. "Come on inside" she ushers us out of the cold.

We walk in and there's this guy there. Real ugly too. He's sitting there watching T.V. and he has a beer bottle in hand. Seriously dude it's literally 10 in the morning can you not wait?

"Theresa I want you to meet my boyfriend Greg." OH SHIT. Jimmy's not gonna be happy and I'm gonna have to deal with his yelling. Damn it.

"Hey there." He gives me a nod and I return a resigned smile back. Thank God Lily comes out of her room. She gives Tommy a hug and walks to me. 

"Hey Lil ready to go?" I ask her crouching down. She nods her head and gives me a goofy grin. Damn this kid is cute. "Okay let's go" I smile back. "Bye Steph I'll have her back after dinner." I tell her mom as we pull back from a hug.

It's been a few hours and the kids wanted to go to Jimmy's to do some drawing and watch cartoons. It's around 4 when we start heading down. Jimmy should be back too. I'll drop the kids off and go hang out with him. I tell Lily and Tommy bye and walk out the door to see Jimmy fixing his mom's car and Future in the drivers seat. I walk over to jimmy and he gives me a hug and I give one back. 

"If it isn't the Nun!" Future calls to me. Damn I hate that name, they only gave it 'cause of Mother Teresa. I walk over to the drivers side and shove his head peeking from the window 

"Oh shut up moron." I chuckle back to him and give him a hug through the window, then lean against the car. The three of us talk for a little bit and I start to hear music from inside. Is someone really playing "Sweet home Alabama?"  Me and Future start a side convo about him hooking up with this girl and I start calling him a whore we start bickering until we hear someone singing. 

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