Minds changed

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Hello so eyeheartmialotte said I could run away with Mia and go to Italy together if I published this chapter so here it is (remember that I called dibs)

Also this message is for eyeheartmialotte - this may or may not have a cliffhanger because you said you didn't like them and right now you are torturing me.

Third person -

As Mia approached the hospital, she felt goosebumps run down her back. Why did she feel this way?  When she was younger, he had gotten admitted to the hospital as well, because she couldn't breathe. She didn't have asthma, and she is still wondering what it was to this day. Only her mother knew, and it's not like she could ask. Her mother ran away, and didn't even think twice. Just left Mia in Roger's care so she could live her life. Having a child was not what her mom wanted. Having a child was not even what her father wanted.

The redhead went inside, saying that she was there for Charlotte. "Alright, follow me." The receptionist said, with tears forming in her eyes. Mia wondered why the receptionist was almost crying. What was there? Was she expecting to see something bad? Something good? Were they tears of happiness? Once she went in, Mia didn't expect to see what she saw.

After some tests, she had been sent home but after walking home from the supermarket she got into a car accident and was now in a coma. Charlotte was in a coma. Mia thought it was all her fault. She has been like that for the past month?! "I should have come to see her earlier." Mia said, gripping on the handle of the bed with tears running down her poor eyes from not sleeping for days. But Mia decided to change not coming in. She promised herself that she would come in before school, after school, and come in during the weekends as well. She doesn't want to make the same mistake that she did for the past month. If Mia just went to the hospital while they were first doing tests maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe the future could've changed.


Mia had been coming to see Charlotte every single day ever since then. The guilt that Mia felt about not seeing Charlotte sooner was haunting her every day. Mia would talk to her about school, the fights, how her friends were doing, her family, and how she was doing herself. Sometimes, she would even let char know about how the tests at the hospital were going. They barely got any answers, but anything they got they would tell the person in the room. And who was there all the time? Mia. Even though Mia knew that Charlotte couldn't hear her, and it was more of a one sided conversation, the redhead never gave up. Hell, Mia spoke and saw Charlotte more than her own parents did. They were starting to give up. But Mia would never. Every day, before she left, Mia would kiss Charlotte on the forehead, and she would tell Char "You got this. We will get through this together and everything will be perfect. Just like you."


Everything is a blur for Charlotte. It was like a dream. You don't know how long you are actually in the dream. Sometimes you could wake up 2 hours later, 6 hours later, 10 hours later, and even sometimes you could wake up from a dream for 4 months.

Charlotte heard a lot of her surroundings. Like the nurses checking up on her, her parents, aunts, uncles, family members, and Mia. She heard Mia the most. Talking about how she was doing, school, her friends, and the drama going around. Even though Charlotte would eventually forget everything Mia had told her, just to hear her voice made Charlotte comfortable. Even if she couldn't show it.

This had gone on for months. Family members coming in to see her, nurses checking her, and Mia coming to talk to her. Her other friends cared, but it's clear gave up. They almost never went to visit her, they only did for the first couple of weeks. And maybe cried for a day or two. But the brunette could tell that Mia never did give up on char, or herself. And she was proud of her for that.

The doctors were getting worried, and wanted to end life support. She had a very low chance of living and even her parents were starting to wonder if all the money they were spending to keep her alive was worth it. They wanted to try for a bit longer. Wanted to try and see how strong Charlotte was and wake up one day. Mia had even offered to pay for it with Roger's money. She wanted to see how strong Charlotte was.

A few days passed, and everything was still the same. Doctors still there checking up, and still telling them that she had a low chance of making it, but something changed their minds as soon as they stepped into the room and looked at the bed Charlotte was laying in.


Next chapter coming around the 11pm video (if there is one)

Guys also I was freaking out yesterday because the 9pm was released at 9:30 so I was yelling at my phone for 20 minutes and I kinda almost broke it...

But anyway here is the chapter you guys wanted so there 🤗 chapter after the next one is coming around this time tomorrow

930 words..

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