chapter 12

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i followed them that night from their dorm to the forbidden room, i almost followed them unnoticed, but ron turned around without warning and i was caught, "bloody hell y/n, you scared the hell out of me! why are you following us?!" he whisper shouted. i sighed, "cause i knew what you were doing and there was no way in hell i was going to let you all get hurt by going headfirst into there," hermione shook her head, "plus i knew something was going on and i thought it wouldn't be all that bad to have another person to watch our flanks," i nodded. "okay, y/n, i appreciate this but what if you get hurt?" harry asked from behind them, "harry come on, you know me, i a, tougher than i look," he sighed, "alright then," we walked over to the door, "alohamora," hermione casted at the lock.

i heard snoring, "he's sleeping, we need to get through now," i whispered, they nodded, "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the harp," harry said. i sighed, i know they think it's snape but i really doubt he's behind this, "Ugh! It's got horrible breath," ron whispered, "We have to move its paw," harry responded back, ignoring what ron said. "what?!" ron shouted again.

they moved the paw and opened the trapdoor, " I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign," harry spoke, Fluffy's eyes opened, i was the only one who noticed, "uhm guys?" no one heard me, "If something bad happens, get yourselves out," harry continued, "guys!" i shouted to get their attention, "Does it seem a bit quiet to you?" harry asked. i facepalmed, "the harp's stopped playing and uh.. Fluffy is awake," just as i said that drool from one of Fluffy's heads drooped on ron's shoulder, "oh yuck!" ron shouted, "go! jump!" harry shouted. we all jumped through the trapdoor and landed in a lot of Devil's Snare. it started tieing everyone up and wrapping around ys, "STOP MOVING!" hermione shouted, i relaxed and suddenly fell through below it, "Y/N?! Y/N WHERE'D YOU GO?!" everyone started shouting, "JUST RELAX, TRUST ME!" hermione came through now, "yes!" she shouted, "guys really just relax!" harry then came through, "HARRY?!" ron shouted, "relax ron!" we all shouted, "he's not relaxing is he?" hermione asked, harry shook his head, we sighed, "devil's snare hates sunlight!" i said quickly, the two grabbed their wands, "Lumus Solem!" we all casted and a beam of sunlight casted out of our wands, the vines released ron and he fell onto the ground, "Ron, are you okay?" harry asks, "yep, lucky we didnt panic eh?" he laughs, standing up to brush himself off, me and hermione shared a look, "Lucky y/n pays attention in Herbology," we laughed for a moment. there was a sound of fluttering wings, i sighed and we all walked over, my wand still in my hand.

"Curious. I've never seen birds like these," hermione says, "They're not birds. They're keys. And I'll bet one of them fits that door," harry says pointing to the door, hermione and ron made their way to the door, as they passed us we stopped at a broomstick floating mid air, "what's this about?" harry asks, "no idea," i said shrugging, "Alohamora!" Ron casted, he rattled the doorknob, "ah well, worth a try," he shrugged. " What're we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there!" Hermione says, "We're looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle," Ron says, "OH UP THERE!" i shouted, harry looked at the broom, "it's too easy," he says, i nodded, "i agree," Ron sighed, "Oh, go on, Harry! If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you can! You're the youngest Seeker in a century!" i shook my head as harry grabbed the broomstick, all the keys started shooting in Harry's and i's direction, "go harry!" i said pushing him on the broomstick, he takes off and heads after the key, "go harry!" Ron shouted beside the door. he eventually got the key and tossed it to the three of us who were standing by the door, we unlocked it and went through, harry flying in behind us as we slammed the door shut.

the keys hit the door each with a light thud, i shook my head, "i think there may have been a better way to do that," i said quietly, "ah well, we got through, so no biggie," harry said. i shook my head, "yes but you could've died!" i retorted, "but he didn't," Ron added. i smacked him in the back of his head, "but he could've! next time we need to sort things out and come up with a plan before doing something that stupid!" they sighed, "i think y/n is right," Hermione spoke up, "whatever!" Ron shouted, "look," harry said pointing to a chess board. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all," Hermione said, " Where are we? A graveyard?" harry asked, "no not a graveyard," i said, "It's a chessboard," Ron finished. flames lit up around the room, illuminating the room and the board.

we made our way to the door on the other side but the row of pawns bring their swords and sheilds up, blocking the path, "i think we have to play guys," i said, we turned around and filled some spaces, "you dont think this is like actual Wizard's chess, do you?" hermione asked from her spot, "you there, D5!" ron said, a pawn moved forward diagonal from the white pawn, the white pawn brings it sword up, slashing through our pawn, ron gulped, "yes hermione, i think it's exactly like real Wizard's chess," he says, shaking.

the game plays on for a bit, until it comes down to a play that made sense, but not with real people, i sighed looking over the board, "Wait a minute," harry says, looking at ron, "You understand right, Harry. Once I make my move, the Queen will take me. Then you're free to check the King," ron says, "no ron no!" harry said, "what what's going on?!" hermione asks, "He's going to sacrifice himself!" i said from my spot, "no ron you cant, there must be anoither way!" hermione says from her spot, " Do you want to stop Snape from getting that Stone or not? Harry, it's you that has to go on. I know it. Not me. Not Hermione. Not y/n. You!" harry nods, "knight to H3," ron commands. he moves to the spot, "Check," he says. the queen peice moves forward, slicing ron's peice in half, he goes flying to the floor, unconsious, "RON!" hermione shouts, about to walk, "NO STOP DONT MOVE! we're still playing!" i shouted, she stopped. harry walked to where he needed to in order to end the game, "check mate!" he declared, the king peice smashed, harry sighed in relief. we all ran over to ron, "ron are you okay?" i asked as the boy lifted his head, "yeah, no i'll be alright," i nodded, "Take care of Ron. Then go to the owlery. Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right. I have to go on," hermione nodded, "you're not going in there alone harry, i'm coming with you," he shook his head, "no-" i cut him off, "no protesting it, i'm coming with you, you can't go in there alone, it's not safe," he gave in, "fine," i nodded and got up. "let's go, we've got this," he nodded and we opened the door.

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