Chapter 11 - Hardin

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The flight back home feels interminable. I'm physically exhausted but emotionally fueled by the anticipation of seeing Tessa and the kids. I try to keep my mind occupied with work, but it's no use; all I can think about is getting through the airport and making my way back to them.

As soon as we land, I waste no time collecting my luggage and heading straight for the exit. I call Tessa to let her know I'm on my way. Her voice, warm and soothing, calms my nerves and adds urgency to my steps.

"I'm just about to leave the house. I can't wait to see you," she says.

"I'm almost there, just a few more minutes. See you soon, baby," I reply, trying to keep my excitement in check.

Navigating through traffic feels like it takes forever, but finally, I pull into the driveway. I see the house's lights on, casting a welcoming glow. I take a deep breath and walk up to the door. My heart pounds in my chest, a mix of exhaustion and elation.

I open the door, and as soon as I step inside, the familiar, comforting smell of home hits me. I call out softly, not wanting to wake the kids if they're asleep. "Tess?"

I hear soft footsteps, and Tessa appears, her eyes lighting up when she sees me. The moment is almost surreal. We embrace, and I can feel all the tension and stress from the past few days melting away. Tessa's hug is warm and reassuring, and I'm overwhelmed with relief and love.

"I missed you so much," she whispers.

"I missed you," I reply, holding her tighter.

As we pull back, she takes my hand and leads me into the living room where I see the table set with candles and my favorite meal—Tessa's way of making me feel special. The sight of it brings a lump to my throat.

"We didn't get to finish Auden's birthday preparations before you left, but I made sure to plan something really nice for when you got back," Tessa says, her eyes filled with affection.

I nod, touched by her thoughtfulness. "I can't wait to see what you have planned."

Tessa smiles and leads me to the kids' room. Auden and Emery are both asleep, looking peaceful and content. I sit quietly beside their beds, taking in their serene faces. The sight makes my heart swell with love.

Tessa places a gentle hand on my shoulder. "They've been good, just missing their dad."

I turn to her, gratitude and love reflecting in my eyes. "You've done an amazing job holding down the fort. I'm so lucky to have you."

She blushes slightly, a shy smile on her face. "We make a good team."

We spend the rest of the evening catching up, talking about everything that happened while I was away. I tell her about the meetings and how they went, and she shares updates on the kids and the surprise birthday plans. As the night progresses, we feel the comfort of being together again, a balm for the days apart.

Eventually, we head to bed, and I fall asleep with Tessa in my arms, the weight of the past few days lifting off my shoulders. I'm finally home, where I belong, and I know that no matter what challenges come our way, we'll face them together.

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