Chapter 10

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It's been nearly two hours since she ran out of her house and away from Roseanne and Sana. She did a full sweep of the ranch, begging for something to come up to distract her - but of course everything is going well. Her due diligence has made sure of that.

She's never really been upset with her past self quite as much as she is in this moment. One neglected fence post or broken feeder would have really helped her out right now.

So instead, Lisa has retreated to her pickup truck. She started it up, turned on some music with the volume down and let the air conditioning blow in her face.

Lisa isn't unfamiliar with her body. She hasn't been intimate with someone in some time, but that doesn't mean she hasn't sought out her own pleasure from time to time.

Still, it's been a long time since her body has reacted so sharply like that - so unexpected.

She wants someone to talk to, which would normally be Sana, but she seems to be pretty entrenched in Roseanne's bubble at the moment and honestly, Lisa can't blame her.

What she needs is a second opinion, so she types out an SOS to the first real friend she ever had.

Lisa: Jennie, I am attracted to Sandara's  beekeeper.

The message is sent before she catches the auto-correct.

She tries to correct before...

Jennie: the fuck?

Lisa: Bookkeeper.

Jennie: the old lady she hired?

Lisa: She isn't elderly

Jennie: I thought you installed a bunch of accessibility stuff for her?

Lisa: I did, but she is younger. Twenty-five and

She hits send, unsure of how to finish the sentence.

The next message comes instantly.

Jennie: and?

Lisa takes a breath, admitting it out loud to someone will make it real. Make these feelings real.

But that's why she reached out, isn't it?

Lisa: And I do not know what to do

Her phone rings two seconds later.

"Fuck her," Jennie says as soon as Lisa answers.

She sighs. "Hello, Jennie."

"Hi, fuck this girl, Lis."

"It isn't that simple."

"Because of the wheelchair?"

Lisa opens her mouth to say no, because it isn't that - except this brings up an entirely new question because Lisa really has no idea what Roseanne might be comfortable with.

So often around her the wheelchair doesn't even register. Not in the sense of ignoring it, she wouldn't do that - but in the sense of it is just a part of Roseanne. It's a characteristic much like her subtle accent or her wiggly upper body.

Roseanne's disability has never scared her because it's impossible to focus on it when Roseanne herself is so enchanting.

With the way Roseanne looked this morning, Lisa would have believed someone if they told her Roseanne rolled in on a miniature pony.

"Lisa?" Jennie's snappy voice draws her back in.

"Sorry, I was thinking."

"About the wheelchair?"

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